MAME Layout Files


Layout files are used to tell MAME what to display when running an emulated system, and how to arrange it. MAME can render emulated screens, images, text, shapes, and specialised objects for common output devices. Elements can be static, or dynamically update to reflect the state of inputs and outputs. Layouts may be automatically generated based on the number/type of emulated screens, built and linked into the MAME binary, or provided externally. MAME layout files are an XML application, using the .lay filename extension.

Core concepts


There are two kinds of numbers in MAME layouts: integers and floating-point numbers.

Integers may be supplied in decimal or hexadecimal notation. A decimal integer consists of an optional # (hash) prefix, an optional +/- (plus or minus) sign character, and a sequence of digits 0-9. A hexadecimal number consists of one of the prefixes $ (dollar sign) or 0x (zero ex) followed by a sequence of hexadecimal digits 0-9 and A-F. Hexadecimal numbers are case-insensitive for both the prefix and digits.

Floating-point numbers may be supplied in decimal fixed-point or scientific notation. Note that integer prefixes and hexadecimal values are not accepted where a floating-point number is expected.

For a few attributes, both integers and floating-point numbers are allowed. In these cases, the presence of a # (hash), $ (dollar sign) or 0x (zero ex) prefix causes the value to be interpreted as an integer. If no recognised integer prefix is found and the value contains a decimal point or the letter E (uppercase or lowercase) introducing an exponent, it is interpreted as a floating-point number. If no integer prefix, decimal point or letter E is found, the number will be interpreted as an integer.

Numbers are parsed using the "C" locale for portability.


Layout coordinates are internally represented as IEEE754 32-bit binary floating-point numbers (also known as “single precision”). Coordinates increase in the rightward and downward directions. The origin (0,0) has no particular significance, and you may freely use negative coordinates in layouts. Coordinates are supplied as floating-point numbers.

MAME assumes that view coordinates have the same aspect ratio as pixels on the output device (host screen or window). Assuming square pixels and no rotation, this means equal distances in X and Y axes correspond to equal horizontal and vertical distances in the rendered output.

Views, groups and elements all have their own internal coordinate systems. When an element or group is referenced from a view or another group, its coordinates are scaled as necessary to fit the specified bounds.

Objects are positioned and sized using bounds elements. The horizontal position and size may be specified in three ways: left edge and width using x and width attributes, horizontal centre and width using xc and width attributes, or left and right edges using left and right attributes. Similarly, the vertical position and size may be specified in terms of the top edge and height using y and height attributes, vertical centre and height using yc and height attributes, or top and bottom edges using top and bottom attributes.

These three bounds elements are equivalent:

<bounds x="455" y="120" width="12" height="8" />
<bounds xc="461" yc="124" width="12" height="8" />
<bounds left="455" top="120" right="467" bottom="128" />

It’s possible to use different schemes in the horizontal and vertical directions. For example, these equivalent bounds elements are also valid:

<bounds x="455" top="120" width="12" bottom="128" />
<bounds left="455" yc="124" right="467" height="8" />

The width/height or right/bottom default to 1.0 if not supplied. It is an error if width or height are negative, if right is less than left, or if bottom is less than top.


Colours are specified in RGBA space. MAME is not aware of colour profiles and gamuts, so colours will typically be interpreted as sRGB with your system’s target gamma (usually 2.2). Channel values are specified as floating-point numbers. Red, green and blue channel values range from 0.0 (off) to 1.0 (full intensity). Alpha ranges from 0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (opaque). Colour channel values are not pre-multiplied by the alpha value.

Component and view item colour is specified using color elements. Meaningful attributes are red, green, blue and alpha. This example color element specifies all channel values:

<color red="0.85" green="0.4" blue="0.3" alpha="1.0" />

Any omitted channel attributes default to 1.0 (full intensity or opaque). It is an error if any channel value falls outside the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).


Parameters are named variables that can be used in most attributes. To use a parameter in an attribute, surround its name with tilde (~) characters. If a parameter is not defined, no substitution occurs. Here is an examples showing two instances of parameter use – the values of the digitno and x parameters will be substituted for ~digitno~ and ~x~:

<element name="digit~digitno~" ref="digit">
    <bounds x="~x~" y="80" width="25" height="40" />

A parameter name is a sequence of uppercase English letters A-Z, lowercase English letters a-z, decimal digits 0-9, and/or underscore (_) characters. Parameter names are case-sensitive. When looking for a parameter, the layout engine starts at the current, innermost scope and works outwards. The outermost scope level corresponds to the top-level mamelayout element. Each repeat, group or view element creates a new, nested scope level.

Internally a parameter can hold a string, integer, or floating-point number, but this is mostly transparent. Integers are stored as 64-bit signed twos-complement values, and floating-point numbers are stored as IEEE754 64-bit binary floating-point numbers (also known as “double precision”). Integers are substituted in decimal notation, and floating point numbers are substituted in default format, which may be decimal fixed-point or scientific notation depending on the value). There is no way to override the default formatting of integer and floating-point number parameters.

There are two kinds of parameters: value parameters and generator parameters. Value parameters keep their assigned value until reassigned. Generator parameters have a starting value and an increment and/or shift to be applied for each iteration.

Value parameters are assigned using a param element with name and value attributes. Value parameters may appear inside the top-level mamelayout element, inside repeat, and view elements, and inside group definition elements (that is, group elements in the top-level mamelayout element, as opposed to group reference elements inside view elements other group definition elements). A value parameter may be reassigned at any point.

Here’s an example assigning the value “4” to the value parameter “firstdigit”:

<param name="firstdigit" value="4" />

Generator parameters are assigned using a param element with name and start attributes, and increment, lshift and/or rshift attributes. Generator parameters may only appear inside repeat elements (see Repeating blocks for details). A generator parameter must not be reassigned in the same scope (an identically named parameter may be defined in a child scope). Here are some example generator parameters:

<param name="nybble" start="3" increment="-1" />
<param name="switchpos" start="74" increment="156" />
<param name="mask" start="0x0800" rshift="4" />
  • The nybble parameter generates values 3, 2, 1...

  • The switchpos parameter generates values 74, 230, 386...

  • The mask parameter generates values 2048, 128, 8...

The increment attribute must be an integer or floating-point number to be added to the parameter’s value. The lshift and rshift attributes must be non-negative integers specifying numbers of bits to shift the parameter’s value to the left or right. The increment and shift are applied at the end of the repeating block before the next iteration starts. The parameter’s value will be interpreted as an integer or floating-point number before the increment and/or shift are applied. If both an increment and shift are supplied, the increment is applied before the shift.

If the increment attribute is present and is a floating-point number, the parameter’s value will be converted to a floating-point number if necessary before the increment is added. If the increment attribute is present and is an integer while the parameter’s value is a floating-point number, the increment will be converted to a floating-point number before the addition.

If the lshift and/or rshift attributes are present and not equal, the parameter’s value will be converted to an integer if necessary, and shifted accordingly. Shifting to the left is defined as shifting towards the most significant bit. If both lshift and rshift are supplied, they are netted off before being applied. This means you cannot, for example, use equal lshift and rshift attributes to clear bits at one end of a parameter’s value after the first iteration.

It is an error if a param element has neither value nor start attributes, and it is an error if a param element has both a value attribute and any of the start, increment, lshift, or rshift attributes.

A param element defines a parameter or reassigns its value in the current, innermost scope. It is not possible to define or reassign parameters in a containing scope.

Pre-defined parameters

A number of pre-defined value parameters are available providing information about the running machine:


The full tag path of the device that caused the layout to be loaded, for example : for the root driver device, or :tty:ie15 for a terminal connected to a port. This parameter is a string defined at layout (global) scope.


The base tag of the device that caused the layout to be loaded, for example root for the root driver device, or ie15 for a terminal connected to a port. This parameter is a string defined at layout (global) scope.


The full name (description) of the device that caused the layout to be loaded, for example AIM-65/40 or IE15 Terminal. This parameter is a string defined at layout (global) scope.


The short name of the device that caused the layout to be loaded, for example aim65_40 or ie15_terminal. This parameter is a string defined at layout (global) scope.


The horizontal part of the physical aspect ratio of the first screen (if present). The physical aspect ratio is provided as a reduced improper fraction. Note that this is the horizontal component before rotation is applied. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The vertical part of the physical aspect ratio of the first screen (if present). The physical aspect ratio is provided as a reduced improper fraction. Note that this is the vertical component before rotation is applied. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The horizontal part of the pixel aspect ratio of the first screen’s visible area (if present). The pixel aspect ratio is provided as a reduced improper fraction. Note that this is the horizontal component before rotation is applied. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The vertical part of the pixel aspect ratio of the first screen’s visible area (if present). The pixel aspect ratio is provided as a reduced improper fraction. Note that this is the vertical component before rotation is applied. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The width of the first screen’s visible area (if present) in emulated pixels. Note that this is the width before rotation is applied. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The height of the first screen’s visible area (if present) in emulated pixels. Note that this is the height before rotation is applied. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The horizontal part of the physical aspect ratio of the second screen (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The vertical part of the physical aspect ratio of the second screen (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The horizontal part of the pixel aspect ratio of the second screen’s visible area (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The vertical part of the pixel aspect ratio of the second screen’s visible area (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The width of the second screen’s visible area (if present) in emulated pixels. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The height of the second screen’s visible area (if present) in emulated pixels. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The horizontal part of the physical aspect ratio of the (zero-based) Nth screen (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The vertical part of the physical aspect ratio of the (zero-based) Nth screen (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The horizontal part of the pixel aspect ratio of the (zero-based) Nth screen’s visible area (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The vertical part of the pixel aspect ratio of the (zero-based) Nth screen’s visible area (if present). This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The width of the (zero-based) Nth screen’s visible area (if present) in emulated pixels. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The height of the (zero-based) Nth screen’s visible area (if present) in emulated pixels. This parameter is an integer defined at layout (global) scope.


The name of the current view. This parameter is a string defined at view scope. It is not defined outside a view.

For screen-related parameters, screens are numbered from zero in the order they appear in machine configuration, and all screens are included (not just subdevices of the device that caused the layout to be loaded). X/width and Y/height refer to the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the screen before rotation is applied. Values based on the visible area are calculated at the end of configuration. Values are not updated and layouts are not recomputed if the system reconfigures the screen while running.

Parts of a layout

A view specifies an arrangement graphical object to display. A MAME layout file can contain multiple views. Views are built up from elements and screens. To simplify complex layouts, reusable groups and repeating blocks are supported.

The top-level element of a MAME layout file must be a mamelayout element with a version attribute. The version attribute must be an integer. Currently MAME only supports version 2, and will not load any other version. This is an example opening tag for a top-level mamelayout element:

<mamelayout version="2">

In general, children of the top-level mamelayout element are processed in reading order from top to bottom. The exception is that, for historical reasons, views are processed last. This means views see the final values of all parameters at the end of the mamelayout element, and may refer to elements and groups that appear after them.

The following elements are allowed inside the top-level mamelayout element:


Defines or reassigns a value parameter. See Parameters for details.


Defines an element – one of the basic objects that can be arranged in a view. See Elements for details.


Defines a reusable group of elements/screens that may be referenced from views or other groups. See Reusable groups for details.


A repeating group of elements – may contain param, element, group, and repeat elements. See Repeating blocks for details.


An arrangement of elements and/or screens that can be displayed on an output device (a host screen/window). See Views for details.


Allows Lua script to be supplied for enhanced interactive layouts. See MAME Layout Scripting for details.


Elements are one of the basic visual objects that may be arranged, along with screens, to make up a view. Elements may be built up of one or more components, but an element is treated as a single surface when building the scene graph and rendering. An element may be used in multiple views, and may be used multiple times within a view.

An element’s appearance depends on its state. The state is an integer which usually comes from an I/O port field or an emulated output (see Element state for information on connecting an element to an emulated I/O port or output). Any component of an element may be restricted to only drawing when the element’s state is a particular value. Some components (e.g. multi-segment displays) use the state directly to determine their appearance.

Each element has its own internal coordinate system. The bounds of the element’s coordinate system are computed as the union of the bounds of the individual components it’s composed of.

Every element must have a name attribute specifying its name. Elements are referred to by name when instantiated in groups or views. It is an error for a layout file to contain multiple elements with identical name attributes. Elements may optionally supply a default state value with a defstate attribute, to be used if not connected to an emulated output or I/O port. If present, the defstate attribute must be a non-negative integer.

Child elements of the element element instantiate components, which are drawn into the element texture in reading order from first to last using alpha blending (components draw over and may obscure components that come before them). All components support a few common features:

  • Components may be conditionally drawn depending on the element’s state by supplying state and/or statemask attributes. If present, these attributes must be non-negative integers. If only the state attribute is present, the component will only be drawn when the element’s state matches its value. If only the statemask attribute is present, the component will only be drawn when all the bits that are set in its value are set in the element’s state.

    If both the state and statemask attributes are present, the component will only be drawn when the bits in the element’s state corresponding to the bits that are set in the statemask attribute’s value match the value of the corresponding bits in the state attribute’s value.

    (The component will always be drawn if neither state nor statemask attributes are present, or if the statemask attribute’s value is zero.)

  • Each component may have a bounds child element specifying its position and size (see Coordinates). If no such element is present, the bounds default to a unit square (width and height of 1.0) with the top left corner at (0,0).

    A component’s position and/or size may be animated according to the element’s state by supplying multiple bounds child elements with state attributes. The state attribute of each bounds child element must be a non-negative integer. The state attributes must not be equal for any two bounds elements within a component.

    If the element’s state is lower than the state value of any bounds child element, the position/size specified by the bounds child element with the lowest state value will be used. If the element’s state is higher than the state value of any bounds child element, the position/size specified by the bounds child element with the highest state value will be used. If the element’s state is between the state values of two bounds child elements, the position/size will be interpolated linearly.

  • Each component may have a color child element specifying an RGBA colour (see Colours for details). This can be used to control the colour of geometric, algorithmically drawn, or textual components. For image components, the colour of the image pixels is multiplied by the specified colour. If no such element is present, the colour defaults to opaque white.

    A component’s color may be animated according to the element’s state by supplying multiple color child elements with state attributes. The state attributes must not be equal for any two color elements within a component.

    If the element’s state is lower than the state value of any color child element, the colour specified by the color child element with the lowest state value will be used. If the element’s state is higher than the state value of any color child element, the colour specified by the color child element with the highest state value will be used. If the element’s state is between the state values of two color child elements, the RGBA colour components will be interpolated linearly.

The following components are supported:


Draws a uniform colour rectangle filling its bounds.


Draws a uniform colour ellipse fitted to its bounds.


Draws an image loaded from a PNG, JPEG, Windows DIB (BMP) or SVG file. The name of the file to load (including the file name extension) is supplied using the file attribute. Additionally, an optional alphafile attribute may be used to specify the name of a PNG file (including the file name extension) to load into the alpha channel of the image.

Alternatively, image data may be supplied in the layout file itself using a data child element. This can be useful for supplying simple, human-readable SVG graphics. A file attribute or data child element must be supplied; it is an error if neither or both are supplied.

If the alphafile attribute refers to a file, it must have the same dimensions (in pixels) as the file referred to by the file attribute, and must have a bit depth no greater than eight bits per channel per pixel. The intensity from this image (brightness) is copied to the alpha channel, with full intensity (white in a greyscale image) corresponding to fully opaque, and black corresponding to fully transparent. The alphafile attribute will be ignored if the file attribute refers to an SVG image or the data child element contains SVG data; it is only used in conjunction with bitmap images.

The image file(s) should be placed in the same directory/archive as the layout file. Image file formats are detected by examining the content of the files, file name extensions are ignored.


Draws text in using the UI font in the specified colour. The text to draw must be supplied using a string attribute. An align attribute may be supplied to set text alignment. If present, the align attribute must be an integer, where 0 (zero) means centred, 1 (one) means left-aligned, and 2 (two) means right-aligned. If the align attribute is absent, the text will be centred.


Draws a standard seven-segment (plus decimal point) digital LED/fluorescent display in the specified colour. The low eight bits of the element’s state control which segments are lit. Starting from the least significant bit, the bits correspond to the top segment, the upper right-hand segment, continuing clockwise to the upper left segment, the middle bar, and the decimal point. Unlit segments are drawn at low intensity (0x20/0xff).


Draws a standard fourteen-segment alphanumeric LED/fluorescent display in the specified colour. The low fourteen bits of the element’s state control which segments are lit. Starting from the least significant bit, the bits correspond to the top segment, the upper right-hand segment, continuing clockwise to the upper left segment, the left-hand and right-hand halves of the horizontal middle bar, the upper and lower halves of the vertical middle bar, and the diagonal bars clockwise from lower left to lower right. Unlit segments are drawn at low intensity (0x20/0xff).


Draws a standard fourteen-segment alphanumeric LED/fluorescent display with decimal point/comma in the specified colour. The low sixteen bits of the element’s state control which segments are lit. The low fourteen bits correspond to the same segments as in the led14seg component. Two additional bits correspond to the decimal point and comma tail. Unlit segments are drawn at low intensity (0x20/0xff).


Draws a standard sixteen-segment alphanumeric LED/fluorescent display in the specified colour. The low sixteen bits of the element’s state control which segments are lit. Starting from the least significant bit, the bits correspond to the left-hand half of the top bar, the right-hand half of the top bar, continuing clockwise to the upper left segment, the left-hand and right-hand halves of the horizontal middle bar, the upper and lower halves of the vertical middle bar, and the diagonal bars clockwise from lower left to lower right. Unlit segments are drawn at low intensity (0x20/0xff).


Draws a standard sixteen-segment alphanumeric LED/fluorescent display with decimal point/comma in the specified colour. The low eighteen bits of the element’s state control which segments are lit. The low sixteen bits correspond to the same segments as in the led16seg component. Two additional bits correspond to the decimal point and comma tail. Unlit segments are drawn at low intensity (0x20/0xff).


Displays the numeric value of the element’s state using the system font in the specified colour. The value is formatted in decimal notation. A digits attribute may be supplied to specify the minimum number of digits to display. If present, the digits attribute must be a positive integer; if absent, a minimum of two digits will be displayed. A maxstate attribute may be supplied to specify the maximum state value to display. If present, the maxstate attribute must be a non-negative number; if absent it defaults to 999. An align attribute may be supplied to set text alignment. If present, the align attribute must be an integer, where 0 (zero) means centred, 1 (one) means left-aligned, and 2 (two) means right-aligned; if absent, the text will be centred.

An example element that draws a static left-aligned text string:

<element name="label_reset_cpu">
    <text string="CPU" align="1"><color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /></text>

An example element that displays a circular LED where the intensity depends on the state of an active-high output:

<element name="led" defstate="0">
    <disk state="0"><color red="0.43" green="0.35" blue="0.39" /></disk>
    <disk state="1"><color red="1.0" green="0.18" blue="0.20" /></disk>

An example element for a button that gives visual feedback when clicked:

<element name="btn_rst">
    <rect state="0"><bounds x="0.0" y="0.0" width="1.0" height="1.0" /><color red="0.2" green="0.2" blue="0.2" /></rect>
    <rect state="1"><bounds x="0.0" y="0.0" width="1.0" height="1.0" /><color red="0.1" green="0.1" blue="0.1" /></rect>
    <rect state="0"><bounds x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.9" height="0.9" /><color red="0.1" green="0.1" blue="0.1" /></rect>
    <rect state="1"><bounds x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.9" height="0.9" /><color red="0.2" green="0.2" blue="0.2" /></rect>
    <rect><bounds x="0.1" y="0.1" width="0.8" height="0.8" /><color red="0.15" green="0.15" blue="0.15" /></rect>
    <text string="RESET"><bounds x="0.1" y="0.4" width="0.8" height="0.2" /><color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /></text>

An example of an element that draws a seven-segment LED display using external segment images:

<element name="digit_a" defstate="0">
    <image file="a_off.png" />
    <image file="a_a.png" statemask="0x01" />
    <image file="a_b.png" statemask="0x02" />
    <image file="a_c.png" statemask="0x04" />
    <image file="a_d.png" statemask="0x08" />
    <image file="a_e.png" statemask="0x10" />
    <image file="a_f.png" statemask="0x20" />
    <image file="a_g.png" statemask="0x40" />
    <image file="a_dp.png" statemask="0x80" />

An example of a bar graph that grows vertically and changes colour from green, through yellow, to red as the state increases:

<element name="pedal">
        <bounds state="0x000" left="0.0" top="0.9" right="1.0" bottom="1.0" />
        <bounds state="0x610" left="0.0" top="0.0" right="1.0" bottom="1.0" />
        <color state="0x000" red="0.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" />
        <color state="0x184" red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" />
        <color state="0x610" red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" />

An example of a bar graph that grows horizontally to the left or right and changes colour from green, through yellow, to red as the state changes from the neutral position:

<element name="wheel">
        <bounds state="0x800" left="0.475" top="0.0" right="0.525" bottom="1.0" />
        <bounds state="0x280" left="0.0" top="0.0" right="0.525" bottom="1.0" />
        <bounds state="0xd80" left="0.475" top="0.0" right="1.0" bottom="1.0" />
        <color state="0x800" red="0.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" />
        <color state="0x3e0" red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" />
        <color state="0x280" red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" />
        <color state="0xc20" red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="0.0" />
        <color state="0xd80" red="1.0" green="0.0" blue="0.0" />


A view defines an arrangement of elements and/or emulated screen images that can be displayed in a window or on a screen. Views also connect elements to emulated I/O ports and/or outputs. A layout file may contain multiple views. If a view references a non-existent screen, it will be considered unviable. MAME will print a warning message, skip over the unviable view, and continue to load views from the layout file. This is particularly useful for systems where a screen is optional, for example computer systems with front panel controls and an optional serial terminal.

Views are identified by name in MAME’s user interface and in command-line options. For layouts files associated with devices other than the root driver device, view names are prefixed with the device’s tag (with the initial colon omitted) – for example a view called “Keyboard LEDs” loaded for the device :tty:ie15 will be called “tty:ie15 Keyboard LEDs” in MAME’s user interface. Views are listed in the order they are loaded. Within a layout file, views are loaded in the order they appear, from top to bottom.

Views are created with view elements inside the top-level mamelayout element. Each view element must have a name attribute, supplying its human-readable name for use in the user interface and command-line options. This is an example of a valid opening tag for a view element:

<view name="Control panel">

A view creates a nested parameter scope inside the parameter scope of the top-level mamelayout element. For historical reasons, view elements are processed after all other child elements of the top-level mamelayout element. This means a view can reference elements and groups that appear after it in the file, and parameters from the enclosing scope will have their final values from the end of the mamelayout element.

A view element may have a showpointers attribute to set whether mouse and pen pointers should be shown for the view. If present, the value must be either yes or no. If the showpointers attribute is not present, pen and mouse pointers are shown for views that contain items bound to I/O ports.

The following child elements are allowed inside a view element:


Sets the origin and size of the view’s internal coordinate system if present. See Coordinates for details. If absent, the bounds of the view are computed as the union of the bounds of all screens and elements within the view. It only makes sense to have one bounds as a direct child of a view element. Any content outside the view’s bounds is cropped, and the view is scaled proportionally to fit the output window or screen.


Defines or reassigns a value parameter in the view’s scope. See Parameters for details.


Adds an element to the view (see Elements). The name of the element to add is specified using the required ref attribute. It is an error if no element with this name is defined in the layout file. Within a view, elements are drawn in the order they appear in the layout file, from front to back. See below for more details.

May optionally be connected to an emulated I/O port using inputtag and inputmask attributes, and/or an emulated output using a name attribute. See Clickable items for details. See Element state for details on supplying a state value to the instantiated element.


Adds an emulated screen image to the view. The screen must be identified using either an index attribute or a tag attribute (it is an error for a screen element to have both index and tag attributes). If present, the index attribute must be a non-negative integer. Screens are numbered by the order they appear in machine configuration, starting at zero (0). If present, the tag attribute must be the tag path to the screen relative to the device that causes the layout to be loaded. Screens are drawn in the order they appear in the layout file, from front to back.

May optionally be connected to an emulated I/O port using inputtag and inputmask attributes, and/or an emulated output using a name attribute. See Clickable items for details.


Adds screens and/or items in a collection that can be shown or hidden by the user (see Collections). The name of the collection is specified using the required name attribute. There is a limit of 32 collections per view.


Adds the content of the group to the view (see Reusable groups). The name of the group to add is specified using the required ref attribute. It is an error if no group with this name is defined in the layout file. See below for more details on positioning.


Repeats its contents the number of times specified by the required count attribute. The count attribute must be a positive integer. A repeat element in a view may contain element, screen, group, and further repeat elements, which function the same way they do when placed in a view directly. See Repeating blocks for discussion on using repeat elements.

Screens (screen elements) and layout elements (element elements) may have an id attribute. If present, the id attribute must not be empty, and must be unique within a view, including screens and elements instantiated via reusable groups and repeating blocks. Screens and layout elements with id attributes can be looked up by Lua scripts (see MAME Layout Scripting).

Screens (screen elements), layout elements (element elements) and groups (group elements) may have their orientation altered using an orientation child element. For screens, the orientation modifiers are applied in addition to the orientation modifiers specified on the screen device and on the machine. The orientation element supports the following attributes, all of which are optional:


If present, applies clockwise rotation in ninety degree increments. Must be an integer equal to 0, 90, 180 or 270.


Allows the screen, element or group to be mirrored along a line at forty-five degrees to vertical from upper left to lower right. Must be either yes or no if present. Mirroring applies logically after rotation.


Allows the screen, element or group to be mirrored around its vertical axis, from left to right. Must be either yes or no if present. Mirroring applies logically after rotation.


Allows the screen, element or group to be mirrored around its horizontal axis, from top to bottom. Must be either yes or no if present. Mirroring applies logically after rotation.

Screens (screen elements) and layout elements (element elements) may have a blend attribute to set the blending mode. Supported values are none (no blending), alpha (alpha blending), multiply (RGB multiplication), and add (additive blending). The default for screens is to allow the driver to specify blending per layer; the default blending mode for layout elements is alpha blending.

Screens (screen elements), layout elements (element elements) and groups (group elements) may be positioned and sized using a bounds child element (see Coordinates for details). In the absence of a bounds child element, screens’ and layout elements’ bounds default to a unit square (origin at 0,0 and height and width both equal to 1). In the absence of a bounds child element, groups are expanded with no translation/scaling (note that groups may position screens/elements outside their bounds). This example shows a view instantiating and positioning a screen, an individual layout element, and two element groups:

<view name="LED Displays, Terminal and Keypad">
    <screen index="0"><bounds x="0" y="132" width="320" height="240" /></screen>
    <element ref="beige"><bounds x="320" y="0" width="172" height="372" /></element>
    <group ref="displays"><bounds x="0" y="0" width="320" height="132" /></group>
    <group ref="keypad"><bounds x="336" y="16" width="140" height="260" /></group>

Screens (screen elements), layout elements (element elements) and groups (group elements) may have a color child element (see Colours) specifying a modifier colour. The component colours of the screen or layout element(s) are multiplied by this colour.

Screens (screen elements) and layout elements (element elements) may have their colour and position/size animated by supplying multiple color and/or bounds child elements with state attributes. See View item animation for details.

Layout elements (element elements) may be configured to show only part of the element’s width or height using xscroll and/or yscroll child elements. This can be used for devices like slot machine reels. The xscroll and yscroll elements support the same attributes:


The size of the horizontal or vertical scroll window, as a proportion of the element’s width or height, respectively. Must be in the range 0.01 to 1.0, inclusive, if present (1% of the width/height to the full width/height). By default, the entire width and height of the element is shown.


Whether the element should wrap horizontally or vertically. Must be either yes or no if present. By default, items do not wrap horizontally or vertically.


If present, the horizontal or vertical scroll position will be taken from the value of the corresponding I/O port. Specifies the tag path of an I/O port relative to the device that caused the layout file to be loaded. The raw value from the input port is used, active-low switch values are not normalised.


If present, the horizontal or vertical scroll position will be taken from the correspondingly named output.


If present, the horizontal or vertical scroll position will be masked with the value and shifted to the right to remove trailing zeroes (for example a mask of 0x05 will result in no shift, while a mask of 0x68 will result in the value being shifted three bits to the right). Note that this applies to output values (specified with the name attribute) as well as input port values (specified with the inputtag attribute). Must be an integer value if present. If not present, it is equivalent to all 32 bits being set.


Minimum horizontal or vertical scroll position value. When the horizontal or vertical scroll position has this value, the left or top edge or the scroll window will be aligned with the left or top edge of the element. Must be an integer value if present. Defaults to zero.


Maximum horizontal or vertical scroll position value. Must be an integer value if present. Defaults to the mask value shifted to the right to remove trailing zeroes.


Collections of screens and/or layout elements can be shown or hidden by the user as desired. For example, a single view could include both displays and a clickable keypad, and allow the user to hide the keypad leaving only the displays visible. Collections are created using collection elements inside view, group and other collection elements.

A collection element must have a name attribute providing the display name for the collection. Collection names must be unique within a view. The initial visibility of a collection may be specified by providing a visible attribute. Set the visible attribute to yes if the collection should be initially visible, or no if it should be initially hidden. Collections are initially visible by default.

Here is an example demonstrating the use of collections to allow parts of a view to be hidden by the user:

<view name="LED Displays, CRT and Keypad">
    <collection name="LED Displays">
        <group ref="displays"><bounds x="240" y="0" width="320" height="47" /></group>
    <collection name="Keypad">
        <group ref="keypad"><bounds x="650" y="57" width="148" height="140" /></group>
    <screen tag="screen"><bounds x="0" y="57" width="640" height="480" /></screen>

A collection creates a nested parameter scope. Any param elements inside the collection element set parameters in the local scope for the collection. See Parameters for more detail on parameters. (Note that the collection’s name and default visibility are not part of its content, and any parameter references in the name and visible attributes themselves will be substituted using parameter values from the collection’s parent’s scope.)

Reusable groups

Groups allow an arrangement of screens and/or layout elements to be used multiple times in views or other groups. Groups can be beneficial even if you only use the arrangement once, as they can be used to encapsulate part of a complex layout. Groups are defined using group elements inside the top-level mamelayout element, and instantiated using group elements inside view and other group elements.

Each group definition element must have a name attribute providing a unique identifier. It is an error if a layout file contains multiple group definitions with identical name attributes. The value of the name attribute is used when instantiating the group from a view or another group. This is an example opening tag for a group definition element inside the top-level mamelayout element:

<group name="panel">

This group may then be instantiated in a view or another group element using a group reference element, optionally supplying destination bounds, orientation, and/or modifier colour. The ref attribute identifies the group to instantiate – in this example, destination bounds are supplied:

<group ref="panel"><bounds x="87" y="58" width="23" height="23.5" /></group>

Group definition elements allow all the same child elements as views. Positioning and orienting screens, layout elements and nested groups works the same way as for views. See Views for details. A group may instantiate other groups, but recursive loops are not permitted. It is an error if a group directly or indirectly instantiates itself.

Groups have their own internal coordinate systems. If a group definition element has no bounds element as a direct child, its bounds are computed as the union of the bounds of all the screens, layout elements and/or nested groups it instantiates. A bounds child element may be used to explicitly specify group bounds (see Coordinates for details). Note that groups’ bounds are only used for the purpose of calculating the coordinate transform when instantiating a group. A group may position screens and/or elements outside its bounds, and they will not be cropped.

To demonstrate how bounds calculation works, consider this example:

<group name="autobounds">
    <!-- bounds automatically calculated with origin at (5,10), width 30, and height 15 -->
    <element ref="topleft"><bounds x="5" y="10" width="10" height="10" /></element>
    <element ref="bottomright"><bounds x="25" y="15" width="10" height="10" /></element>

<view name="Test">
        group bounds translated and scaled to fit - 2/3 scale horizontally and double vertically
        element topleft positioned at (0,0) with width 6.67 and height 20
        element bottomright positioned at (13.33,10) with width 6.67 and height 20
        view bounds calculated with origin at (0,0), width 20, and height 30
    <group ref="autobounds"><bounds x="0" y="0" width="20" height="30" /></group>

This is relatively straightforward, as all elements inherently fall within the group’s automatically computed bounds. Now consider what happens if a group positions elements outside its explicit bounds:

<group name="periphery">
    <!-- elements are above the top edge and to the right of the right edge of the bounds -->
    <bounds x="10" y="10" width="20" height="25" />
    <element ref="topleft"><bounds x="10" y="0" width="10" height="10" /></element>
    <element ref="bottomright"><bounds x="30" y="20" width="10" height="10" /></element>

<view name="Test">
        group bounds translated and scaled to fit - 3/2 scale horizontally and unity vertically
        element topleft positioned at (5,-5) with width 15 and height 10
        element bottomright positioned at (35,15) with width 15 and height 10
        view bounds calculated with origin at (5,-5), width 45, and height 30
    <group ref="periphery"><bounds x="5" y="5" width="30" height="25" /></group>

The group’s elements are translated and scaled as necessary to distort the group’s internal bounds to the destination bounds in the view. The group’s content is not restricted to its bounds. The view considers the bounds of the actual layout elements when computing its bounds, not the destination bounds specified for the group.

When a group is instantiated, it creates a nested parameter scope. The logical parent scope is the parameter scope of the view, group or repeating block where the group is instantiated (not its lexical parent, the top-level mamelayout element). Any param elements inside the group definition element set parameters in the local scope for the group instantiation. Local parameters do not persist across multiple instantiations. See Parameters for more detail on parameters. (Note that the group’s name is not part of its content, and any parameter references in the name attribute itself will be substituted at the point where the group definition appears in the top-level mamelayout element’s scope.)

Repeating blocks

Repeating blocks provide a concise way to generate or arrange large numbers of similar elements. Repeating blocks are generally used in conjunction with generator parameters (see Parameters). Repeating blocks may be nested for more complex arrangements.

Repeating blocks are created with repeat elements. Each repeat element requires a count attribute specifying the number of iterations to generate. The count attribute must be a positive integer. Repeating blocks are allowed inside the top-level mamelayout element, inside group and view elements, and insider other repeat elements. The exact child elements allowed inside a repeat element depend on where it appears:

  • A repeating block inside the top-level mamelayout element may contain param, element, group (definition), and repeat elements.

  • A repeating block inside a group or view element may contain param, element (reference), screen, group (reference), and repeat elements.

A repeating block effectively repeats its contents the number of times specified by its count attribute. See the relevant sections for details on how the child elements are used (Parts of a layout, Reusable groups, and Views). A repeating block creates a nested parameter scope inside the parameter scope of its lexical (DOM) parent element.

Generating white number labels from zero to eleven named label_0, label_1, and so on (inside the top-level mamelayout element):

<repeat count="12">
    <param name="labelnum" start="0" increment="1" />
    <element name="label_~labelnum~">
        <text string="~labelnum~"><color red="1.0" green="1.0" blue="1.0" /></text>

A horizontal row of forty digital displays, with five units space between them, controlled by outputs digit0 to digit39 (inside a group or view element):

<repeat count="40">
    <param name="i" start="0" increment="1" />
    <param name="x" start="5" increment="30" />
    <element name="digit~i~" ref="digit">
        <bounds x="~x~" y="5" width="25" height="50" />

Eight five-by-seven dot matrix displays in a row, with pixels controlled by outputs Dot_000 to Dot_764 (inside a group or view element):

<repeat count="8"> <!-- 8 digits -->
    <param name="digitno" start="1" increment="1" />
    <param name="digitx" start="0" increment="935" /> <!-- distance between digits ((111 * 5) + 380) -->
    <repeat count="7"> <!-- 7 rows in each digit -->
        <param name="rowno" start="1" increment="1" />
        <param name="rowy" start="0" increment="114" /> <!-- vertical distance between LEDs -->
        <repeat count="5"> <!-- 5 columns in each digit -->
            <param name="colno" start="1" increment="1" />
            <param name="colx" start="~digitx~" increment="111" /> <!-- horizontal distance between LEDs -->
            <element name="Dot_~digitno~~rowno~~colno~" ref="Pixel" state="0">
                <bounds x="~colx~" y="~rowy~" width="100" height="100" /> <!-- size of each LED -->

Two horizontally separated, clickable, four-by-four keypads (inside a group or view element):

<repeat count="2">
    <param name="group" start="0" increment="4" />
    <param name="padx" start="10" increment="530" />
    <param name="mask" start="0x01" lshift="4" />
    <repeat count="4">
        <param name="row" start="0" increment="1" />
        <param name="y" start="100" increment="110" />
        <repeat count="4">
            <param name="col" start="~group~" increment="1" />
            <param name="btnx" start="~padx~" increment="110" />
            <param name="mask" start="~mask~" lshift="1" />
            <element ref="btn~row~~col~" inputtag="row~row~" inputmask="~mask~">
                <bounds x="~btnx~" y="~y~" width="80" height="80" />

The buttons are drawn using elements btn00 in the top left, bnt07 in the top right, btn30 in the bottom left, and btn37 in the bottom right, counting in between. The four rows are connected to I/O ports row0, row1, row2, and row3, from top to bottom. The columns are connected to consecutive I/O port bits, starting with the least significant bit on the left. Note that the mask parameter in the innermost repeat element takes its initial value from the correspondingly named parameter in the enclosing scope, but does not modify it.

Generating a chequerboard pattern with alternating alpha values 0.4 and 0.2 (inside a group or view element):

<repeat count="4">
    <param name="pairy" start="3" increment="20" />
    <param name="pairno" start="7" increment="-2" />
    <repeat count="2">
        <param name="rowy" start="~pairy~" increment="10" />
        <param name="rowno" start="~pairno~" increment="-1" />
        <param name="lalpha" start="0.4" increment="-0.2" />
        <param name="ralpha" start="0.2" increment="0.2" />
        <repeat count="4">
            <param name="lx" start="3" increment="20" />
            <param name="rx" start="13" increment="20" />
            <param name="lmask" start="0x01" lshift="2" />
            <param name="rmask" start="0x02" lshift="2" />
            <element ref="hl" inputtag="board:IN.~rowno~" inputmask="~lmask~">
                <bounds x="~lx~" y="~rowy~" width="10" height="10" />
                <color alpha="~lalpha~" />
            <element ref="hl" inputtag="board:IN.~rowno~" inputmask="~rmask~">
                <bounds x="~rx~" y="~rowy~" width="10" height="10" />
                <color alpha="~ralpha~" />

The outermost repeat element generates a group of two rows on each iteration; the next repeat element generates an individual row on each iteration; the innermost repeat element produces two horizontally adjacent tiles on each iteration. Rows are connected to I/O ports board:IN.7 at the top to board.IN.0 at the bottom.


Interactive views are supported by allowing items to be bound to emulated outputs and I/O ports. Five kinds of interactivity are supported:

Clickable items

If an item in a view is bound to an I/O port switch field, clicking the item will activate the emulated switch.

State-dependent components

Some components will be drawn differently depending on the containing element’s state. These include the dot matrix, multi-segment LED display and simple counter elements. See Elements for details.

Conditionally-drawn components

Components may be conditionally drawn or hidden depending on the containing element’s state by supplying state and/or statemask attributes. See Elements for details.

Component parameter animation

Components’ colour and position/size within their containing element may be animated according the element’s state by providing multiple color and/or bounds elements with state attributes. See Elements for details.

Item parameter animation

Items’ colour and position/size within their containing view may be animated according to their animation state.

Clickable items

If a view item (element or screen element) has inputtag and inputmask attribute values that correspond to a digital switch field in the emulated system, clicking the element will activate the switch. The switch will remain active as long as the primary button is held down and the pointer is within the item’s current bounds. (Note that the bounds may change depending on the item’s animation state, see View item animation).

The inputtag attribute specifies the tag path of an I/O port relative to the device that caused the layout file to be loaded. The inputmask attribute must be an integer specifying the bits of the I/O port field that the item should activate. This sample shows instantiation of clickable buttons:

The clickthrough attribute controls whether clicks can pass through the view item to other view items drawn above it. The clickthrough attribute must be yes or no if present. The default is no (clicks do not pass through) for view items with inputtag and inputmask attributes, and yes (clicks pass through) for other view items.

<element ref="btn_3" inputtag="X2" inputmask="0x10">
    <bounds x="2.30" y="4.325" width="1.0" height="1.0" />
<element ref="btn_0" inputtag="X0" inputmask="0x20">
    <bounds x="0.725" y="5.375" width="1.0" height="1.0" />
<element ref="btn_rst" inputtag="RESET" inputmask="0x01">
    <bounds x="1.775" y="5.375" width="1.0" height="1.0" />

When handling pointer input, MAME treats all layout elements as being rectangular.

Element state

A view item that instantiates an element (element element) may supply a state value to the element from an emulated I/O port or output. See Elements for details on how an element’s state affects its appearance.

If the element element has a name attribute, the element state value will be taken from the value of the correspondingly named emulated output. Note that output names are global, which can become an issue when a machine uses multiple instances of the same type of device. This example shows how digital displays may be connected to emulated outputs:

<element name="digit6" ref="digit"><bounds x="16" y="16" width="48" height="80" /></element>
<element name="digit5" ref="digit"><bounds x="64" y="16" width="48" height="80" /></element>
<element name="digit4" ref="digit"><bounds x="112" y="16" width="48" height="80" /></element>
<element name="digit3" ref="digit"><bounds x="160" y="16" width="48" height="80" /></element>
<element name="digit2" ref="digit"><bounds x="208" y="16" width="48" height="80" /></element>
<element name="digit1" ref="digit"><bounds x="256" y="16" width="48" height="80" /></element>

If the element element has inputtag and inputmask attributes but lacks a name attribute, the element state value will be taken from the value of the corresponding I/O port, masked with the inputmask value. The inputtag attribute specifies the tag path of an I/O port relative to the device that caused the layout file to be loaded. The inputmask attribute must be an integer specifying the bits of the I/O port field to use.

If the element element has no inputraw attribute, or if the value of the inputraw attribute is no, the I/O port’s value is masked with the inputmask value and XORed with the I/O port default field value. If the result is non-zero, the element state is 1, otherwise it’s 0. This is often used or provide visual feedback for clickable buttons, as values for active-high and active-low switches are normalised.

If the element element has an inputraw attribute with the value yes, the element state will be taken from the I/O port’s value masked with the inputmask value and shifted to the right to remove trailing zeroes (for example a mask of 0x05 will result in no shift, while a mask of 0xb0 will result in the value being shifted four bits to the right). This is useful for obtaining the value of analog or positional inputs.

View item animation

Items’ colour and position/size within their containing view may be animated. This is achieved by supplying multiple color and/or bounds child elements with state attributes. The state attribute of each color or bounds child element must be a non-negative integer. Within a view item, no two color elements may have equal state state attributes, and no two bounds elements may have equal state attributes.

If the item’s animation state is lower than the state value of any bounds child element, the position/size specified by the bounds child element with the lowest state value will be used. If the item’s animation state is higher than the state value of any bounds child element, the position/size specified by the bounds child element with the highest state value will be used. If the item’s animation state is between the state values of two bounds child elements, the position/size will be interpolated linearly.

If the item’s animation state is lower than the state value of any color child element, the colour specified by the color child element with the lowest state value will be used. If the item’s animation state is higher than the state value of any color child element, the colour specified by the color child element with the highest state value will be used. If the item’s animation state is between the state values of two color child elements, the RGBA colour components will be interpolated linearly.

An item’s animation state may be bound to an emulated output or input port by supplying an animate child element. If present, the animate element must have either an inputtag attribute or a name attribute (but not both). If the animate child element is not present, the item’s animation state is the same as its element state (see Element state).

If the animate child element is present and has an inputtag attribute, the item’s animation state will be taken from the value of the corresponding I/O port. The inputtag attribute specifies the tag path of an I/O port relative to the device that caused the layout file to be loaded. The raw value from the input port is used, active-low switch values are not normalised.

If the animate child element is present and has a name attribute, the item’s animation state will be taken from the value of the correspondingly named emulated output. Note that output names are global, which can become an issue when a machine uses multiple instances of the same type of device.

If the animate child element has a mask attribute, the item’s animation state will be masked with the mask value and shifted to the right to remove trailing zeroes (for example a mask of 0x05 will result in no shift, while a mask of 0xb0 will result in the value being shifted four bits to the right). Note that the mask attribute applies to output values (specified with the name attribute) as well as input port values (specified with the inputtag attribute). If the mask attribute is present, it must be an integer value. If the mask attribute is not present, it is equivalent to all 32 bits being set.

This example shows elements with independent element state and animation state, using the animation state taken from emulated outputs to control their position:

<repeat count="5">
    <param name="x" start="10" increment="9" />
    <param name="i" start="0" increment="1" />
    <param name="mask" start="0x01" lshift="1" />

    <element name="cg_sol~i~" ref="cosmo">
        <animate name="cg_count~i~" />
        <bounds state="0" x="~x~" y="10" width="6" height="7" />
        <bounds state="255" x="~x~" y="48.5" width="6" height="7" />

    <element ref="nothing" inputtag="FAKE1" inputmask="~mask~">
        <animate name="cg_count~i~" />
        <bounds state="0" x="~x~" y="10" width="6" height="7" />
        <bounds state="255" x="~x~" y="48.5" width="6" height="7" />

This example shows elements with independent element state and animation state, using the animation state taken from an emulated positional input to control their positions:

<repeat count="4">
    <param name="y" start="1" increment="3" />
    <param name="n" start="0" increment="1" />
    <element ref="ledr" name="~n~.7">
        <animate inputtag="IN.1" mask="0x0f" />
        <bounds state="0" x="0" y="~y~" width="1" height="1" />
        <bounds state="11" x="16.5" y="~y~" width="1" height="1" />

Error handling

  • For internal (developer-supplied) layout files, errors detected by the script result in a build failure.

  • MAME will stop loading a layout file if a syntax error is encountered. No views from the layout will be available. Examples of syntax errors include undefined element or group references, invalid bounds, invalid colours, recursively nested groups, and redefined generator parameters.

  • When loading a layout file, if a view references a non-existent screen, MAME will print a warning message and continue. Views referencing non-existent screens are considered unviable and not available to the user.

Automatically-generated views

After loading internal (developer-supplied) and external (user-supplied) layouts, MAME automatically generates views based on the machine configuration. The following views will be automatically generated:

  • If the system has no screens and no viable views were found in the internal and external layouts, MAME will load a view that shows the message “No screens attached to the system”.

  • For each emulated screen, MAME will generate a view showing the screen at its physical aspect ratio with rotation applied.

  • For each emulated screen where the configured pixel aspect ratio doesn’t match the physical aspect ratio, MAME will generate a view showing the screen at an aspect ratio that produces square pixels, with rotation applied.

  • If the system has a single emulated screen, MAME will generate a view showing two copies of the screen image above each other with a small gap between them. The upper copy will be rotated by 180 degrees. This view can be used in a “cocktail table” cabinet for simultaneous two-player games, or alternating play games that don’t automatically rotate the display for the second player. The screen will be displayed at its physical aspect ratio, with rotation applied.

  • If the system has exactly two emulated screens, MAME will generate a view showing the second screen above the first screen with a small gap between them. The second screen will be rotated by 180 degrees. This view can be used to play a dual-screen two-player game on a “cocktail table” cabinet with a single screen. The screens will be displayed at their physical aspect ratios, with rotation applied.

  • If the system has exactly two emulated screens and no view in the internal or external layouts shows all screens, or if the system has more than two emulated screens, MAME will generate views with the screens arranged horizontally from left to right and vertically from top to bottom, both with and without small gaps between them. The screens will be displayed at physical aspect ratio, with rotation applied.

  • If the system has three or more emulated screens, MAME will generate views tiling the screens in grid patterns, in both row-major (left-to-right then top-to-bottom) and column-major (top-to-bottom then left-to-right) order. Views are generated with and without gaps between the screens. The screens will be displayed at physical aspect ratio, with rotation applied.


The MAME source contains a Python script called, found in the scripts/build subdirectory. This script is used as part of MAME’s build process to reduce the size of data for internal layouts and convert it to a form that can be built into the executable. However, it can also detect many common layout file format errors, and generally provides better error messages than MAME does when loading a layout file. Note that it doesn’t actually run the whole layout engine, so it can’t detect errors like undefined element references when parameters are used, or recursively nested groups. The script is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3 interpreters.

The script takes three parameters – an input file name, an output file name, and a base name for variables in the output:

python scripts/build/ <input> [<output> [<varname>]]

The input file name is required. If no output file name is supplied, will parse and check the input, reporting any errors found, without producing output. If no base variable name is provided, will generate one based on the input file name. This is not guaranteed to produce valid identifiers. The exit status is 0 (zero) on success, 1 on an error in the command invocation, 2 if error are found in the input file, or 3 in case of an I/O error. If an output file name is specified, the file will be created/overwritten on success or removed on failure.

To check a layout file for common errors, run the script with the path to the file to check and no output file name or base variable name. For example:

python scripts/build/ artwork/dino/default.lay

Example layout files

These layout files demonstrate various artwork system features. They are all internal layouts included in MAME.


A simple case of using translucent colour overlays to visually separate and highlight elements on a black and white screen.


This system uses lamps for key gameplay elements. Blending modes are used for the translucent colour overlay placed over the monitor, and the lamps reflected in front of the monitor. Also uses collections to allow parts of the layout to be disabled selectively.


This game’s monitor is viewed directly through a translucent colour overlay rather than being reflected from inside the cabinet. This means the overlay reflects ambient light as well as affecting the colour of the video image. The shapes on the overlay are drawn using embedded SVG images.


A multi-segment alphanumeric display and keypad. The keys are clickable, and provide visual feedback when pressed.


Builds up a multi-line dot matrix character display. Repeats are used to avoid repetition for the rows in a character, characters in a line, and lines in a page. Group colors allow a single element to be used for all four display colours.


Animates the position of element items to simulate an electromechanical shooting gallery game. Also demonstrates effective use of components to build up complex graphics.


Shows the position of a slider control with LEDs on it.


Effectively using groups as a procedural programming language to build up an image of a trainer board.


Using event-based scripting to dynamically position elements and draw elemnt content programmatically.