Input System


The variety of systems MAME emulates, as well as the variation in host systems and peripherals, necessitates a flexible, configurable input system.

Note that the input system is concerned with low-level user input. High-level user interaction, involving things like text input and pointing devices, is handled separately.


From the emulated system’s point of view, the input system has the following conceptual components.

Input device

Input devices supply input values. An input device typically corresponds to a physical device in the host system, for example a keyboard, mouse or game controller. However, there isn’t always a one-to-one correspondence between input devices and physical devices. For example the SDL keyboard provider module aggregates all keyboards into a single input device, and the Win32 lightgun provider module can present two input devices using input from a single mouse.

Input devices are identified by their device class (keyboard, mouse, joystick or lightgun) and device number within the class. Input provider modules can also supply an implementation-dependent identifier to allow the user to configure stable device numbering.

Note that input devices are unrelated to emulated devices (device_t implementations) despite the similar name.

Input device item

Also known as a control, and input device item corresponds to a input source that produces a single value. This usually corresponds to a physical control or sensor, for example a joystick axis, a button or an accelerometer.

MAME supports three kinds of controls: switches, absolute axes and relative axes:

  • Switches produce the value 0 when inactive (released or off) or 1 when active (pressed or on).

  • Absolute axes produce a value normalised to the range -65,536 to 65,536 with zero corresponding to the neutral position.

  • Relative axes produce a value corresponding to the movement since the previous input update. Mouse-like devices scale values to approximately 512 per nominal 100 DPI pixel.

Negative axis values should correspond to directions up, to the left, away from the player, or anti-clockwise. For single-ended axes (e.g. pedals or displacement-sensitive triggers and buttons), only zero and the negative portion of the range should be used.

Switches are used to represent controls that naturally have two distinct states, like buttons and toggle switches.

Absolute axes are used to represent controls with a definite range and/or neutral position. Examples include steering wheels with limit stops, joystick axes, and displacement-sensitive triggers.

Relative axes are used to represent controls with an effectively infinite range. Examples include mouse/trackball axes, incremental encoder dials, and gyroscopes.

Accelerometers and force sensing joystick axes should be represented as absolute axes, even though the range is theoretically open-ended. In practice, there is a limit to the range the transducers can report, which is usually substantially larger than needed for normal operation.

Input device items are identified by their associated device’s class and device number along with an input item ID. MAME supplies item IDs for common types of controls. Additional controls or controls that do not correspond to a common type are dynamically assigned item IDs. MAME supports hundreds to items per input device.

I/O port field

An I/O port field represents an input source in an emulated device or system. Most types of I/O port fields can be assigned one or more combinations of controls, allowing the user to control the input to the emulated system.

Similarly to input device items, there are multiple types of I/O port fields:

  • Digital fields function as switches that produce one of two distinct values. They are used for keyboard keys, eight-way joystick direction switches, toggle switches, photointerruptors and other emulated inputs that function as two-position switches.

  • Absolute analog fields have a range with defined minimum, maximum and neutral positions. They are used for analog joystick axes, displacement-sensitive pedals, paddle knobs, and other emulated inputs with a defined range.

  • Relative analog fields have a range with defined minimum, maximum and starting positions. On each update, the value accumulates and wraps when it passes either end of the range. Functionally, this is like the output of an up/down counter connected to an incremental encoder. They are used for mouse/trackball axes, steering wheels without limit stops, and other emulated inputs that have no range limits.

  • DIP switch, configuration and adjuster fields allow the user to set the value through MAME’s user interface.

  • Additional special field types are used to produce fixed or programmatically generated values.

A digital field appears to the user as a single assignable input, which accepts switch values.

An analog field appears to the user as three assignable inputs: an axis input, which accepts axis values; and an increment input and a decrement input which accept switch values.

Input manager

The input manager has several responsibilities:

  • Tracking the available input devices in the system.

  • Reading input values.

  • Converting between internal identifier values, configuration token strings and display strings.

In practice, emulated devices and systems rarely interact with the input manager directly. The most common reason to access the input manager is implementing special debug controls, which should be disabled in release builds. Plugins that respond to input need to call the input manager to read inputs.

I/O port manager

The I/O port manager’s primary responsibilities include:

  • Managing assignments of controls to I/O port fields and user interface actions.

  • Reading input values via the input manager and updating I/O port field values.

Like the input manager, the I/O port manager is largely transparent to emulated devices and systems. You just need to set up your I/O ports and fields, and the I/O port manager handles the rest.

Structures and data types

The following data types are used for dealing with input.

Input code

An input code specifies an input device item and how it should be interpreted. It is a tuple consisting of the following values: device class, device number, item class, item modifier and item ID:

  • The device class, device number and item ID together identify the input device item to read.

  • The item class specifies the type of output value desired: switch, absolute axis or relative axis. Axis values can be converted to switch values by specifying an appropriate modifier.

  • The modifier specifies how a value should be interpreted. Valid options depend on the type of input device item and the specified item class.

If the specified input item is a switch, it can only be read using the switch class, and no modifiers are supported. Attempting to read a switch as an absolute or relative axis always returns zero.

If the specified input item is an absolute axis, it can be read as an absolute axis or as a switch:

  • Reading an absolute axis item as an absolute axis returns the current state of the control, potentially transformed if a modifier is specified. Supported modifiers are reverse to reverse the range of the control, positive to map the positive range of the control onto the output (zero corresponding to -65,536 and 65,536 corresponding to 65,536), and negative to map the negative range of the control onto the output (zero corresponding to -65,536 and -65,536 corresponding to 65,536).

  • Reading an absolute axis item as a switch returns zero or 1 depending on whether the control is past a threshold in the direction specified by the modifier. Use the negative modifier to return 1 when the control is beyond the threshold in the negative direction (up or left), or the positive modifier to return 1 when the control is beyond the threshold in the positive direction (down or right). There are two special pairs of modifiers, left/right and up/down that are only applicable to the primary X/Y axes of joystick devices. The user can specify a joystick map to control how these modifiers interpret joystick movement.

  • Attempting to read an absolute axis item as a relative axis always returns zero.

If the specified input item is a relative axis, it can be read as a relative axis or as a switch:

  • Reading a relative axis item as a relative axis returns the change in value since the last input update. The only supported modifier is reverse, which negates the value, reversing the direction.

  • Reading a relative axis as a switch returns 1 if the control moved in the direction specified by the modifier since the last input update. Use the negative/left/up modifiers to return 1 when the control has been moved in the negative direction (up or left), or the positive/right/down modifiers to return 1 when the control has moved in the positive direction (down or right).

  • Attempting to read a relative axis item as an absolute axis always returns zero.

There are also special input codes used for specifying how multiple controls are to be combined in an input sequence.

The most common place you’ll encounter input codes in device and system driver code is when specifying initial assignments for I/O port fields that don’t have default assignments supplied by the core. The PORT_CODE macro is used for this purpose.

MAME provides macros and helper functions for producing commonly used input codes, including standard keyboard keys and mouse/joystick/lightgun axes and buttons.

Input sequence

An input sequence specifies a combination controls that can be assigned to an input. The name refers to the fact that it is implemented as a sequence container with input codes as elements. It is somewhat misleading, as input sequences are interpreted using instantaneous control values. Input sequences are interpreted differently for switch and axis input.

Input sequences for switch input must only contain input codes with the item class set to switch along with the special or and not input codes. The input sequence is interpreted using sum-of-products logic. A not code causes the value returned by the immediately following code to be inverted. The conjunction of values returned by successive codes is evaluated until an or code is encountered. If the current value is 1 when an or code is encountered it is returned, otherwise evaluation continues.

Input sequences for axis input can contain input codes with the item class set to switch, absolute axis or relative axis along with the special or and not codes. It’s helpful to think of the input sequence as containing one or more groups of input codes separated by or codes:

  • A not code causes the value returned by an immediately following switch code to be inverted. It has no effect on absolute or relative axis codes.

  • Within a group, the conjunction of the values returned by switch codes is evaluated. If it is zero, the group is ignored.

  • Within a group, multiple axis values of the same type are summed. Values returned by absolute axis codes are summed, and values returned by relative axis codes are summed.

  • If any absolute axis code in a group returns a non-zero value, the sum of relative axes in the group is ignored. Any non-zero absolute axis value takes precedence over relative axis values.

  • The same logic is applied when combining group values: group values produced from the same axis type are summed, and values produced from absolute axes take precedence over values produced from relative axes.

  • After the group values are summed, if the value was produced from absolute axes it is clamped to the range -65,536 to 65,536 (values produced from relative axes are not clamped).

Emulation code rarely needs to deal with input sequences directly, as they’re handled internally between the I/O port manager and input manager. The input manager also converts input sequences to and from the token strings stored in configuration files and produces text for displaying input sequences to users.

Plugins with controls or hotkeys need to use input sequences to allow configuration. Utility classes are provided to allow input sequences to be entered by the user in a consistent way, and the input manager can be used for conversions to and from configuration and display strings. It is very rare to need to directly manipulate input sequences.

Input provider modules

Input provider modules are part of the OS-dependent layer (OSD), and are not directly exposed to emulation and user interface code. Input provider modules are responsible for detecting available host input devices, setting up input devices for the input manager, and providing callbacks to read the current state of input device items. Input provider modules may also provide additional default input assignments suitable for host input devices that are present.

The user is given a choice of input modules to use. One input provider module is used for each of the four input device classes (keyboard, mouse, joystick and lightgun). The available modules depend on the host operating system and OSD implementation. Different modules may use different APIs, support different kinds of devices, or present devices in different ways.

Player positions

MAME uses a concept called player positions to help manage input assignments. The number of player positions supported depends on the I/O port field type:

  • Ten player positions are supported for common game inputs, including joystick, pedal, paddle, dial, trackball, lightgun and mouse.

  • Four player positions are supported for mahjong and hanafuda inputs.

  • One player position is supported for gambling system inputs.

  • Other inputs do not use player positions. This includes coin slots, arcade start buttons, tilt switches, service switches and keyboard/keypad keys.

The user can configure default input assignments per player position for supported I/O port field types which are saved in the file default.cfg. These assignments are used for all systems unless the device/system driver supplies its own default assignments, or the user configures system-specific input assignments.

In order to facilitate development of reusable emulated devices with inputs, particularly slot devices, the I/O port manager automatically renumbers player positions when setting up the emulated system:

  • The I/O port manager starts at player position 1 and begins iterating the emulated device tree in depth first order, starting from the root device.

  • If a device has I/O port fields that support player positions, they are renumbered to start from the I/O port manager’s current player position.

  • Before advancing to the next device, the I/O port manager sets its current player position to the last seen player position plus one.

For a simple example, consider what happens when you run a Sega Mega Drive console with two game pads connected:

  • The I/O port manager starts at player position 1 at the root device.

  • The first device encountered with I/O port fields that support player positions is the first game pad. The inputs are renumbered to start at player position 1. This has no visible effect, as the I/O port fields are initially numbered starting at player position 1.

  • Before moving to the next device, the I/O port manager sets its current player position to 2 (the last player position seen plus one).

  • The next device encountered with I/O port fields that support player positions is the second game pad. The inputs are renumbered to start at player position 2. This avoids I/O port field type conflicts with the first game pad.

  • Before moving to the next device, the I/O port manager sets its current player position to 3 (the last player position seen plus one).

  • No more devices with I/O port fields that support player positions are encountered.

Updating I/O port fields

The I/O port manager updates I/O port fields once for each video frame produced by the first emulated screen in the system. How a field is updated depends on whether it is a digital or analog field.

Updating digital fields

Updating digital I/O port fields is simple:

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned input sequence (via the input manager).

  • If the value is zero, the field’s default value is set.

  • If the value is non-zero, the binary complement of the field’s default value is set.

Updating absolute analog fields

Updating absolute analog I/O port fields is more complex due to the need to support a variety of control setups:

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned axis input sequence (via the input manager).

  • If the current value changed since the last update and the input device item that produced the current value was an absolute axis, the field’s value is set to the current value scaled to the correct range, and no further processing is performed.

  • If the current value is non-zero and the input device item that produced the current value was a relative axis, the current value is added to the field’s value, scaled by the field’s sensitivity setting.

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned increment input sequence (via the input manager); if this value is non-zero, the field’s increment/decrement speed setting value is added to its value, scaled by its sensitivity setting.

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned decrement input sequence (via the input manager); if this value is non-zero, the field’s increment/decrement speed setting value is subtracted from its value, scaled by its sensitivity setting.

  • If the current axis input, increment input and decrement input values are all zero, but either or both of the increment input and decrement input values were non-zero the last time the field’s value changed in response to user input, the field’s auto-centring speed setting value is added to or subtracted from its value to move it toward its default value.

Note that the sensitivity setting value for absolute analog fields affects the response to relative axis input device items and increment/decrement inputs, but it does not affect the response to absolute axis input device items or the auto-centring speed.

Updating relative analog fields

Relative analog I/O port fields also need special handling to cater for multiple control setups, but they are a little simpler than absolute analog fields:

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned axis input sequence (via the input manager).

  • If the current value is non-zero and the input device item that produced the current value was an absolute axis, the current value is added to the field’s value, scaled by the field’s sensitivity setting, and no further processing is performed.

  • If the current value is non-zero and the input device item that produced the current value was a relative axis, the current value is added to the field’s value, scaled by the field’s sensitivity setting.

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned increment input sequence (via the input manager); if this value is non-zero, the field’s increment/decrement speed setting value is added to its value, scaled by its sensitivity setting.

  • The I/O port manager reads the current value for the field’s assigned decrement input sequence (via the input manager); if this value is non-zero, the field’s increment/decrement speed setting value is subtracted from its value, scaled by its sensitivity setting.

Note that the sensitivity setting value for relative analog fields affects the response to all user input.