Lua Input System Classes

Allows scripts to get input from the user, and access I/O ports in the emulated system.

I/O port manager

Wraps MAME’s ioport_manager class, which provides access to emulated I/O ports and handles input configuration.



Gets the global I/O port manager instance for the emulated machine.



Returns the number of player controllers in the system.

ioport:type_pressed(type, [player])

Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified input is currently pressed. The input type may be an enumerated value or an input type entry. If the input type is an enumerated value, the player number may be supplied as a zero-based index; if the player number is not supplied, it is assumed to be zero. If the input type is an input type entry, the player number may not be supplied separately.

ioport:type_name(type, [player])

Returns the display name for the specified input type and player number. The input type is an enumerated value. The player number is a zero-based index. If the player number is not supplied, it is assumed to be zero.

ioport:type_group(type, player)

Returns the input group for the specified input type and player number. The input type is an enumerated value. The player number is a zero-based index. Returns an integer giving the grouping for the input. If the player number is not supplied, it is assumed to be zero.

This should be called with values obtained from I/O port fields to provide canonical grouping in an input configuration UI.

ioport:type_seq(type, [player], [seqtype])

Get the configured input sequence for the specified input type, player number and sequence type. The input type may be an enumerated value or an input type entry. If the input type is an enumerated value, the player number may be supplied as a zero-based index; if the player number is not supplied, it is assumed to be zero. If the input type is an input type entry, the player number may not be supplied separately. If the sequence type is supplied, it must be "standard", "increment" or "decrement"; if it is not supplied, it is assumed to be "standard".

This provides access to general input assignments.

ioport:set_type_seq(type, [player], seqtype, seq)

Set the configured input sequence for the specified input type, player number and sequence type. The input type may be an enumerated value or an input type entry. If the input type is an enumerated value, the player number must be supplied as a zero-based index. If the input type is an input type entry, the player number may not be supplied separately. The sequence type must be "standard", "increment" or "decrement".

This allows general input assignments to be set.


Returns the input type and player number for the specified input type token string.

ioport:input_type_to_token(type, [player])

Returns the token string for the specified input type and player number. If the player number is not supplied, it assumed to be zero.


ioport.types[] (read-only)

Gets the supported input types. Keys are arbitrary indices. All supported operations have O(1) complexity.


Gets the emulated I/O ports in the system. Keys are absolute tags. The at and index_of methods have O(n) complexity; all other supported operations have O(1) complexity.

Natural keyboard manager

Wraps MAME’s natural_keyboard class, which manages emulated keyboard and keypad inputs.



Gets the global natural keyboard manager instance for the emulated machine.



Post literal text to the emulated machine. The machine must have keyboard inputs with character bindings, and the correct keyboard input device must be enabled.


Post text to the emulated machine. Brace-enclosed codes are interpreted in the text. The machine must have keyboard inputs with character bindings, and the correct keyboard input device must be enabled.

The recognised codes are {BACKSPACE}, {BS}, {BKSP}, {DEL}, {DELETE}, {END}, {ENTER}, {ESC}, {HOME}, {INS}, {INSERT}, {PGDN}, {PGUP}, {SPACE}, {TAB}, {F1}, {F2}, {F3}, {F4}, {F5}, {F6}, {F7}, {F8}, {F9}, {F10}, {F11}, {F12}, and {QUOTE}.


Post the contents of the host clipboard to the emulated machine. The machine must have keyboard inputs with character bindings, and the correct keyboard input device must be enabled.


Returns a string with a human-readable description of the keyboard and keypad input devices in the system, whether they are enabled, and their character bindings.


natkeyboard.empty (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the natural keyboard manager’s input buffer is empty.

natkeyboard.full (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the natural keyboard manager’s input buffer is full.

natkeyboard.can_post (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the emulated system supports posting character data via the natural keyboard manager.

natkeyboard.is_posting (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether posted character data is currently being delivered to the emulated system.

natkeyboard.in_use (read/write)

A Boolean indicating whether “natural keyboard” mode is enabled. When “natural keyboard” mode is enabled, the natural keyboard manager translates host character input to emulated system keystrokes.


Gets the keyboard/keypad input devices in the emulated system, indexed by absolute device tag. Index get has O(n) complexity; all other supported operations have O(1) complexity.

Keyboard input device

Represents a keyboard or keypad input device managed by the natural keyboard manager. Note that this is not a device class.



Gets the keyboard input device with the specified tag, or nil if the tag does not correspond to a keyboard input device.


keyboard.device (read-only)

The underlying device.

keyboard.tag (read-only)

The absolute tag of the underlying device.

keyboard.basetag (read-only)

The last component of the tag of the underlying device, or "root" for the root machine device. (read-only)

The human-readable description of the underlying device type.

keyboard.shortname (read-only)

The identifier for the underlying device type.

keyboard.is_keypad (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the underlying device has keypad inputs but no keyboard inputs. This is used when determining which keyboard input devices should be enabled by default.

keyboard.enabled (read/write)

A Boolean indicating whether the device’s keyboard and/or keypad inputs are enabled.

I/O port

Wraps MAME’s ioport_port class, representing an emulated I/O port.



Gets an emulated I/O port by absolute tag, or nil if the tag does not correspond to an I/O port.


Gets an emulated I/O port by tag relative to a device, or nil if no such I/O port exists.



Read the current input value. Returns a 32-bit integer.

port:write(value, mask)

Write to the I/O port output fields that are set in the specified mask. The value and mask must be 32-bit integers. Note that this does not set values for input fields.


Get the first I/O port field corresponding to the bits that are set in the specified mask, or nil if there is no corresponding field.


port.device (read-only)

The device that owns the I/O port.

port.tag (read-only)

The absolute tag of the I/O port (read-only)

A mask indicating which bits of the I/O port correspond to active fields (i.e. not unused or unassigned bits). (read-only)

The live state of the I/O port.

port.fields[] (read-only)

Gets a table of fields indexed by name.

I/O port field

Wraps MAME’s ioport_field class, representing a field within an I/O port.



Gets a field for the given port by bit mask.


Gets a field for the given port by display name.



Set the value of the I/O port field. For digital fields, the value is compared to zero to determine whether the field should be active; for analog fields, the value must be right-aligned and in the correct range.


Clear programmatically overridden value and restore the field’s regular behaviour.

field:set_input_seq(seqtype, seq)

Set the input sequence for the specified sequence type. This is used to configure per-machine input settings. The sequence type must be "standard", "increment" or "decrement".


Get the configured input sequence for the specified sequence type. This gets per-machine input assignments. The sequence type must be "standard", "increment" or "decrement".

field:set_default_input_seq(seq_type, seq)

Set the default input sequence for the specified sequence type. This overrides the default input assignment for a specific input. The sequence type must be "standard", "increment" or "decrement".


Gets the default input sequence for the specified sequence type. If the default assignment is not overridden, this returns the general input assignment for the field’s input type. The sequence type must be "standard", "increment" or "decrement".


Gets a table of characters corresponding to the field for the specified shift state. The shift state is a bit mask of active shift keys.


field.device (read-only)

The device that owns the port that the field belongs to.

field.port (read-only)

The I/O port that the field belongs to. (read-only)

The live state of the field.

field.type (read-only)

The input type of the field. This is an enumerated value. (read-only)

The display name for the field.

field.default_name (read-only)

The name for the field from the emulated system’s configuration (cannot be overridden by scripts or plugins).

field.player (read-only)

Zero-based player number for the field.

field.mask (read-only)

Bits in the I/O port corresponding to this field.

field.defvalue (read-only)

The field’s default value.

field.minvalue (read-only)

The minimum allowed value for analog fields, or nil for digital fields.

field.maxvalue (read-only)

The maximum allowed value for analog fields, or nil for digital fields.

field.sensitivity (read-only)

The sensitivity or gain for analog fields, or nil for digital fields.

field.way (read-only)

The number of directions allowed by the restrictor plate/gate for a digital joystick, or zero (0) for other inputs.

field.type_class (read-only)

The type class for the input field – one of "keyboard", "controller", "config", "dipswitch" or "misc".

field.is_analog (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field is an analog axis or positional control.

field.is_digital_joystick (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to a digital joystick switch.

field.enabled (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field is enabled.

field.optional (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field is optional and not required to use the emulated system.

field.cocktail (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field is only used when the system is configured for a cocktail table cabinet.

field.toggle (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to a hardware toggle switch or push-on, push-off button.

field.rotated (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to a control that is rotated relative its standard orientation.

field.analog_reverse (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to an analog control that increases in the opposite direction to the convention (e.g. larger values when a pedal is released or a joystick is moved to the left).

field.analog_reset (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to an incremental position input (e.g. a dial or trackball axis) that should be reset to zero for every video frame.

field.analog_wraps (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to an analog input that wraps from one end of its range to the other (e.g. an incremental position input like a dial or trackball axis).

field.analog_invert (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to an analog input that has its value ones-complemented.

field.impulse (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the field corresponds to a digital input that activates for a fixed amount of time.

field.crosshair_scale (read-only)

The scale factor for translating the field’s range to crosshair position. A value of one (1) translates the field’s full range to the full width or height the screen.

field.crosshair_offset (read-only)

The offset for translating the field’s range to crosshair position.

field.user_value (read/write)

The value for DIP switch or configuration settings.

field.settings[] (read-only)

Gets a table of the currently enabled settings for a DIP switch or configuration field, indexed by value.

Live I/O port field state

Wraps MAME’s ioport_field_live class, representing the live state of an I/O port field.



Gets the live state for an I/O port field.


Display name for the field.

Input type

Wraps MAME’s input_type_entry class, representing an emulated input type or emulator UI input type. Input types are uniquely identified by the combination of their enumerated type value and player index.



Gets a supported input type.


type.type (read-only)

An enumerated value representing the type of input. (read-only)

An integer giving the grouping for the input type. Should be used to provide canonical grouping in an input configuration UI.

type.player (read-only)

The zero-based player number, or zero for non-player controls.

type.token (read-only)

The token string for the input type, used in configuration files. (read-only)

The display name for the input type.

type.is_analog (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the input type is analog or digital. Inputs that only have on and off states are considered digital, while all other inputs are considered analog, even if they can only represent discrete values or positions.

Input manager

Wraps MAME’s input_manager class, which reads host input devices and checks whether configured inputs are active.



Gets the global input manager instance for the emulated system.



Gets the current value for the host input corresponding to the specified code. Returns a signed integer value, where zero is the neutral position.


Returns a Boolean indicating whether the host input corresponding to the specified code has a non-zero value (i.e. it is not in the neutral position).


Returns a Boolean indicating whether the host input corresponding to the specified code has moved away from the neutral position since the last time it was checked using this function. The input manager can track a limited number of inputs this way.


Get display name for an input code.


Get token string for an input code. This should be used when saving configuration.


Convert a token string to an input code. Returns the invalid input code if the token is not valid or belongs to an input device that is not present.


Returns a Boolean indicating whether the supplied input sequence is currently pressed.


Remove invalid elements from the supplied input sequence. Returns the new, cleaned input sequence.


Get display text for an input sequence.


Convert an input sequence to a token string. This should be used when saving configuration.


Convert a token string to an input sequence. This should be used when loading configuration.


Returns an input code poller for obtaining an analog host input code.


Returns an input code poller for obtaining a host switch input code.


Returns an input code poller for obtaining a host switch input code that only considers keyboard input devices.


Returns an input sequence poller for obtaining an input sequence for configuring an analog input assignment.


Returns an input sequence poller for obtaining an input sequence for configuring a digital input assignment.


input.device_classes[] (read-only)

Gets a table of host input device classes indexed by name.

Input code poller

Wraps MAME’s input_code_poller class, used to poll for host inputs being activated.



Returns an input code poller that polls for analog inputs being activated.


Returns an input code poller that polls for host switch inputs being activated.


Returns an input code poller that polls for host switch inputs being activated, only considering keyboard input devices.



Resets the polling logic. Active switch inputs are cleared and initial analog input positions are set.


Returns an input code corresponding to the first relevant host input that has been activated since the last time the method was called. Returns the invalid input code if no relevant input has been activated.

Input sequence poller

Wraps MAME’s input_sequence_poller poller class, which allows users to assign host input combinations to emulated inputs and other actions.



Returns an input sequence poller for assigning host inputs to an analog input.


Returns an input sequence poller for assigning host inputs to a switch input.



Start polling. If a sequence is supplied, it is used as a starting sequence: for analog inputs, the user can cycle between the full range, and the positive and negative portions of an axis; for switch inputs, an “or” code is appended and the user can add an alternate host input combination.


Polls for user input and updates the sequence if appropriate. Returns a Boolean indicating whether sequence input is complete. If this method returns false, you should continue polling.


poller.sequence (read-only)

The current input sequence. This is updated while polling. It is possible for the sequence to become invalid.

poller.valid (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the current input sequence is valid.

poller.modified (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the sequence was changed by any user input since starting polling.

Input sequence

Wraps MAME’s input_seq class, representing a combination of host inputs that can be read or assigned to an emulated input. Input sequences can be manipulated using input manager methods. Use an input sequence poller to obtain an input sequence from the user.



Creates an empty input sequence.


Creates a copy of an existing input sequence.



Clears the input sequence, removing all items.


Sets the input sequence to a single item containing the metavalue specifying that the default setting should be used.


seq.empty (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the input sequence is empty (contains no items, indicating an unassigned input).

seq.length (read-only)

The number of items in the input sequence.

seq.is_valid (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the input sequence is a valid. To be valid, it must contain at least one item, all items must be valid codes, all product groups must contain at least one item that is not negated, and items referring to absolute and relative axes must not be mixed within a product group.

seq.is_default (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the input sequence specifies that the default setting should be used.

Host input device class

Wraps MAME’s input_class class, representing a category of host input devices (e.g. keyboards or joysticks).



Gets an input device class by name.

Properties (read-only)

The device class name.

devclass.enabled (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device class is enabled.

devclass.multi (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device class supports multiple devices, or inputs from all devices in the class are combined and treated as a single device.

devclass.devices[] (read-only)

Gets a table of host input devices in the class. Keys are one-based indices.

Host input device

Wraps MAME’s input_device class, representing a host input device.



Gets a specific host input device.

Properties (read-only)

Display name for the device. This is not guaranteed to be unique. (read-only)

Unique identifier string for the device. This may not be human-readable.

inputdev.devindex (read-only)

Device index within the device class. This is not necessarily the same as the index in the devices property of the device class – the devindex indices may not be contiguous.

inputdev.items (read-only)

Gets a table of input items, indexed by item ID. The item ID is an enumerated value.

Host input device item

Wraps MAME’s input_device_item class, representing a single host input (e.g. a key, button, or axis).



Gets an individual host input item. The item ID is an enumerated value.

Properties (read-only)

The display name of the input item. Note that this is just the name of the item itself, and does not include the device name. The full display name for the item can be obtained by calling the code_name method on the input manager with the item’s code.

item.code (read-only)

The input item’s identification code. This is used by several input manager methods.

item.token (read-only)

The input item’s token string. Note that this is a token fragment for the item itself, and does not include the device portion. The full token for the item can be obtained by calling the code_to_token method on the input manager with the item’s code.

item.current (read-only)

The item’s current value. This is a signed integer where zero is the neutral position.

UI input manager

Wraps MAME’s ui_input_manager class, which is used for high-level input.



Gets the global UI input manager instance for the machine.



Clears pending events and UI input states. Should be called when leaving a modal state where input is handled directly (e.g. configuring an input combination).


Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified UI input has been pressed. The input type is an enumerated value.

uiinput:pressed_repeat(type, speed)

Returns a Boolean indicating whether the specified UI input has been pressed or auto-repeat has been triggered at the specified speed. The input type is an enumerated value; the speed is an interval in sixtieths of a second.


uiinput.presses_enabled (read/write)

Whether the UI input manager will check for UI inputs frame updates.