Lua Device Classes

Several device classes and device mix-ins classes are exposed to Lua. Devices can be looked up by tag or enumerated.

Device enumerators

Device enumerators are special containers that allow iterating over devices and looking up devices by tag. A device enumerator can be created to find any kind of device, to find devices of a particular type, or to find devices that implement a particular interface. When iterating using pairs or ipairs, devices are returned by walking the device tree depth-first in creation order.

The index get operator looks up a device by tag. It returns nil if no device with the specified tag is found, or if the device with the specified tag does not meet the type/interface requirements of the device enumerator. The complexity is O(1) if the result is cached, but an uncached device lookup is expensive. The at method has O(n) complexity.

If you create a device enumerator with a starting point other than the root machine device, passing an absolute tag or a tag containing parent references to the index operator may return a device that would not be discovered by iteration. If you create a device enumerator with restricted depth, devices that would not be found due to being too deep in the hierarchy can still be looked up by tag.

Creating a device enumerator with depth restricted to zero can be used to downcast a device or test whether a device implements a certain interface. For example this will test whether a device implements the media image interface:

image_intf = emu.image_enumerator(device, 0):at(1)
if image_intf then
    print(string.format("Device %s mounts images", device.tag))



Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over devices in the system.


Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over palette devices in the system.


Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over screen devices in the system.


Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over cassette image devices in the system.


Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over media image devices in the system.


Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over slot devices in the system.

emu.device_enumerator(device, [depth])

Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over devices in the sub-tree starting at the specified device. The specified device will be included. If the depth is provided, it must be an integer specifying the maximum number of levels to iterate below the specified device (i.e. 1 will limit iteration to the device and its immediate children).

emu.palette_enumerator(device, [depth])

Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over palette devices in the sub-tree starting at the specified device. The specified device will be included if it is a palette device. If the depth is provided, it must be an integer specifying the maximum number of levels to iterate below the specified device (i.e. 1 will limit iteration to the device and its immediate children).

emu.screen_enumerator(device, [depth])

Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over screen devices in the sub-tree starting at the specified device. The specified device will be included if it is a screen device. If the depth is provided, it must be an integer specifying the maximum number of levels to iterate below the specified device (i.e. 1 will limit iteration to the device and its immediate children).

emu.cassette_enumerator(device, [depth])

Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over cassette image devices in the sub-tree starting at the specified device. The specified device will be included if it is a cassette image device. If the depth is provided, it must be an integer specifying the maximum number of levels to iterate below the specified device (i.e. 1 will limit iteration to the device and its immediate children).

emu.image_enumerator(device, [depth])

Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over media image devices in the sub-tree starting at the specified device. The specified device will be included if it is a media image device. If the depth is provided, it must be an integer specifying the maximum number of levels to iterate below the specified device (i.e. 1 will limit iteration to the device and its immediate children).

emu.slot_enumerator(device, [depth])

Returns a device enumerator that will iterate over slot devices in the sub-tree starting at the specified device. The specified device will be included if it is a slot device. If the depth is provided, it must be an integer specifying the maximum number of levels to iterate below the specified device (i.e. 1 will limit iteration to the device and its immediate children).


Wraps MAME’s device_t class, which is a base of all device classes.



Gets a device by tag relative to the root machine device, or nil if no such device exists.


Gets a device by tag relative to another arbitrary device, or nil if no such device exists.



Converts a tag relative to the device to an absolute tag.


Converts a tag relative to the device’s parent device to an absolute tag.


Gets a memory share by tag relative to the device, or nil if no such memory share exists.


Gets a memory bank by tag relative to the device, or nil if no such memory bank exists.


Gets a memory region by tag relative to the device, or nil if no such memory region exists.


Gets an I/O port by tag relative to the device, or nil if no such I/O port exists.


Gets a device by tag relative to the device.


Gets a device by tag relative to the device’s parent.


Gets a parameter value by tag relative to the device, or an empty string if the parameter is not set.


device.tag (read-only)

The device’s absolute tag in canonical form.

device.basetag (read-only)

The last component of the device’s tag (i.e. its tag relative to its immediate parent), or "root" for the root machine device. (read-only)

The full display name for the device’s type.

device.shortname (read-only)

The short name of the devices type (this is used, e.g. on the command line, when looking for resource like ROMs or artwork, and in various data files).

device.owner (read-only)

The device’s immediate parent in the device tree, or nil for the root machine device.

device.configured (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device has completed configuration.

device.started (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device has completed starting.

device.debug (read-only)

The debugger interface to the device if it is a CPU device, or nil if it is not a CPU device or the debugger is not enabled.

device.state[] (read-only)

The state entries for devices that expose the register state interface, indexed by symbol, or nil for other devices. The index operator and index_of methods have O(n) complexity; all other supported operations have O(1) complexity.

device.spaces[] (read-only)

A table of the device’s address spaces, indexed by name. Only valid for devices that implement the memory interface. Note that the names are specific to the device type and have no special significance.

Palette device

Wraps MAME’s device_palette_interface class, which represents a device that translates pen values to colours.

Colours are represented in alpha/red/green/blue (ARGB) format. Channel values range from 0 (transparent or off) to 255 (opaque or full intensity), inclusive. Colour channel values are not pre-multiplied by the alpha value. Channel values are packed into the bytes of 32-bit unsigned integers, in the order alpha, red, green, blue from most-significant to least-significant byte.



Gets a palette device by tag relative to the root machine device, or nil if no such device exists or it is not a palette device.



Gets the remapped pen number for the specified palette index.


Gets the colour for the specified pen number.


Gets the contrast value for the specified pen number. The contrast is a floating-point number.


Gets the indirect pen index for the specified palette index.


Gets the indirect pen colour for the specified palette index.

palette:set_pen_color(pen, color)

Sets the colour for the specified pen number. The colour may be specified as a single packed 32-bit value; or as individual red, green and blue channel values, in that order.

palette:set_pen_red_level(pen, level)

Sets the red channel value of the colour for the specified pen number. Other channel values are not affected.

palette:set_pen_green_level(pen, level)

Sets the green channel value of the colour for the specified pen number. Other channel values are not affected.

palette:set_pen_blue_level(pen, level)

Sets the blue channel value of the colour for the specified pen number. Other channel values are not affected.

palette:set_pen_contrast(pen, factor)

Sets the contrast value for the specified pen number. The value must be a floating-point number.

palette:set_pen_indirect(pen, index)

Sets the indirect pen index for the specified pen number.

palette:set_indirect_color(index, color)

Sets the indirect pen colour for the specified palette index. The colour may be specified as a single packed 32-bit value; or as individual red, green and blue channel values, in that order.


Sets the contrast value for the current shadow group. The value must be a floating-point number.


Sets the contrast value for the current highlight group. The value must be a floating-point number.


Sets the shadow mode. The value is the index of the desired shadow table.


palette.palette (read-only)

The underlying palette managed by the device.

palette.entries (read-only)

The number of colour entries in the palette.

palette.indirect_entries (read-only)

The number of indirect pen entries in the palette.

palette.black_pen (read-only)

The index of the fixed black pen entry.

palette.white_pen (read-only)

The index of the fixed white pen.

palette.shadows_enabled (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether shadow colours are enabled.

palette.highlights_enabled (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether highlight colours are enabled.

palette.device (read-only)

The underlying device.

Screen device

Wraps MAME’s screen_device class, which represents an emulated video output.



Gets a screen device by tag relative to the root machine device, or nil if no such device exists or it is not a screen device.

Base classes



Returns the rotation angle in degrees (will be one of 0, 90, 180 or 270), whether the screen is flipped left-to-right, and whether the screen is flipped top-to-bottom. This is the final screen orientation after the screen orientation specified in the machine configuration and the rotation for the system driver are applied.

screen:time_until_pos(v, [h])

Gets the time remaining until the raster reaches the specified position. If the horizontal component of the position is not specified, it defaults to zero (0, i.e. the beginning of the line). The result is a floating-point number in units of seconds.


Gets the time remaining until the start of the vertical blanking interval. The result is a floating-point number in units of seconds.


Gets the time remaining until the end of the vertical blanking interval. The result is a floating-point number in units of seconds.


Saves a screen snapshot in PNG format. If no filename is supplied, the configured snapshot path and name format will be used. If the supplied filename is not an absolute path, it is interpreted relative to the first configured snapshot path. The filename may contain conversion specifiers that will be replaced by the system name or an incrementing number.

Returns a file error if opening the snapshot file failed, or nil otherwise.

screen:pixel(x, y)

Gets the pixel at the specified location. Coordinates are in pixels, with the origin at the top left corner of the visible area, increasing to the right and down. Returns either a palette index or a colour in RGB format packed into a 32-bit integer. Returns zero (0) if the specified point is outside the visible area.


Returns all visible pixels, the visible area width and visible area height.

Pixels are returned as 32-bit integers packed into a binary string in host Endian order. Pixels are organised in row-major order, from left to right then top to bottom. Pixels values are either palette indices or colours in RGB format packed into 32-bit integers.

screen:draw_box(left, top, right, bottom, [line], [fill])

Draws an outlined rectangle with edges at the specified positions.

Coordinates are floating-point numbers in units of emulated screen pixels, with the origin at (0, 0). Note that emulated screen pixels often aren’t square. The coordinate system is rotated if the screen is rotated, which is usually the case for vertical-format screens. Before rotation, the origin is at the top left, and coordinates increase to the right and downwards. Coordinates are limited to the screen area.

The fill and line colours are in alpha/red/green/blue (ARGB) format. Channel values are in the range 0 (transparent or off) to 255 (opaque or full intensity), inclusive. Colour channel values are not pre-multiplied by the alpha value. The channel values must be packed into the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned integer, in the order alpha, red, green, blue from most-significant to least-significant byte. If the line colour is not provided, the UI text colour is used; if the fill colour is not provided, the UI background colour is used.

screen:draw_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, [color])

Draws a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1).

Coordinates are floating-point numbers in units of emulated screen pixels, with the origin at (0, 0). Note that emulated screen pixels often aren’t square. The coordinate system is rotated if the screen is rotated, which is usually the case for vertical-format screens. Before rotation, the origin is at the top left, and coordinates increase to the right and downwards. Coordinates are limited to the screen area.

The line colour is in alpha/red/green/blue (ARGB) format. Channel values are in the range 0 (transparent or off) to 255 (opaque or full intensity), inclusive. Colour channel values are not pre-multiplied by the alpha value. The channel values must be packed into the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned integer, in the order alpha, red, green, blue from most-significant to least-significant byte. If the line colour is not provided, the UI text colour is used.

screen:draw_text(x|justify, y, text, [foreground], [background])

Draws text at the specified position. If the screen is rotated the text will be rotated.

If the first argument is a number, the text will be left-aligned at this X coordinate. If the first argument is a string, it must be "left", "center" or "right" to draw the text left-aligned at the left edge of the screen, horizontally centred on the screen, or right-aligned at the right edge of the screen, respectively. The second argument specifies the Y coordinate of the maximum ascent of the text.

Coordinates are floating-point numbers in units of emulated screen pixels, with the origin at (0, 0). Note that emulated screen pixels often aren’t square. The coordinate system is rotated if the screen is rotated, which is usually the case for vertical-format screens. Before rotation, the origin is at the top left, and coordinates increase to the right and downwards. Coordinates are limited to the screen area.

The foreground and background colours are in alpha/red/green/blue (ARGB) format. Channel values are in the range 0 (transparent or off) to 255 (opaque or full intensity), inclusive. Colour channel values are not pre-multiplied by the alpha value. The channel values must be packed into the bytes of a 32-bit unsigned integer, in the order alpha, red, green, blue from most-significant to least-significant byte. If the foreground colour is not provided, the UI text colour is used; if the background colour is not provided, it is fully transparent.


screen.width (read-only)

The width of the bitmap produced by the emulated screen in pixels.

screen.height (read-only)

The height of the bitmap produced by the emulated screen in pixels.

screen.refresh (read-only)

The screen’s configured refresh rate in Hertz (this may not reflect the current value).

screen.refresh_attoseconds (read-only)

The screen’s configured refresh interval in attoseconds (this may not reflect the current value).

screen.xoffset (read-only)

The screen’s default X position offset. This is a floating-point number where one (1) corresponds to the X size of the screen’s container. This may be useful for restoring the default after adjusting the X offset via the screen’s container.

screen.yoffset (read-only)

The screen’s default Y position offset. This is a floating-point number where one (1) corresponds to the Y size of the screen’s container. This may be useful for restoring the default after adjusting the Y offset via the screen’s container.

screen.xscale (read-only)

The screen’s default X scale factor, as a floating-point number. This may be useful for restoring the default after adjusting the X scale via the screen’s container.

screen.yscale (read-only)

The screen’s default Y scale factor, as a floating-point number. This may be useful for restoring the default after adjusting the Y scale via the screen’s container.

screen.pixel_period (read-only)

The interval taken to draw a horizontal pixel, as a floating-point number in units of seconds.

screen.scan_period (read-only)

The interval taken to draw a scan line (including the horizontal blanking interval), as a floating-point number in units of seconds.

screen.frame_period (read-only)

The interval taken to draw a complete frame (including blanking intervals), as a floating-point number in units of seconds.

screen.frame_number (read-only)

The current frame number for the screen. This increments monotonically each frame interval.

screen.container (read-only)

The render container used to draw the screen.

screen.palette (read-only)

The palette device used to translate pixel values to colours, or nil if the screen uses a direct colour pixel format.

Cassette image device

Wraps MAME’s cassette_image_device class, representing a compact cassette mechanism typically used by a home computer for program storage.



Gets a cassette image device by tag relative to the root machine device, or nil if no such device exists or it is not a cassette image device.

Base classes



Disables playback.


Enables playback. The cassette will play if the motor is enabled.


Sets forward play direction.


Sets reverse play direction.

cassette:seek(time, whence)

Jump to the specified position on the tape. The time is a floating-point number in units of seconds, relative to the point specified by the whence argument. The whence argument must be one of "set", "cur" or "end" to seek relative to the start of the tape, the current position, or the end of the tape, respectively.


cassette.is_stopped (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the cassette is stopped (i.e. not recording and not playing).

cassette.is_playing (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether playback is enabled (i.e. the cassette will play if the motor is enabled).

cassette.is_recording (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether recording is enabled (i.e. the cassette will record if the motor is enabled).

cassette.motor_state (read/write)

A Boolean indicating whether the cassette motor is enabled.

cassette.speaker_state (read/write)

A Boolean indicating whether the cassette speaker is enabled.

cassette.position (read-only)

The current position as a floating-point number in units of seconds relative to the start of the tape.

cassette.length (read-only)

The length of the tape as a floating-point number in units of seconds, or zero (0) if no tape image is mounted.

Image device interface

Wraps MAME’s device_image_interface class which is a mix-in implemented by devices that can load media image files.



Gets an image device by tag relative to the root machine device, or nil if no such device exists or it is not a media image device.



Loads the specified file as a media image. Returns nil if no error or a string describing an error if an error occurred.


Loads a media image described in a software list. Returns nil if no error or a string describing an error if an error occurred.


Unloads the mounted image.


Creates and mounts a media image file with the specified name. Returns nil if no error or a string describing an error if an error occurred.


Returns a “front panel display” string for the device, if supported. This can be used to show status information, like the current head position or motor state.


Add a callback to receive notifications when a media image is loaded or unloaded for the device. The callback is passed a single string argument which will be "loaded" if a media image has been loaded or "unloaded" if the previously loaded media image has been unloaded. Returns a notifier subscription.


image.is_readable (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device supports reading.

image.is_writeable (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device supports writing.

image.must_be_loaded (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device requires a media image to be loaded in order to start.

image.is_reset_on_load (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the device requires a hard reset to change media images (usually for cartridge slots that contain hardware in addition to memory chips).

image.image_type_name (read-only)

A string for categorising the media device.

image.instance_name (read-only)

The instance name of the device in the current configuration. This is used for setting the media image to load on the command line or in INI files. This is not stable, it may have a number appended that may change depending on slot configuration.

image.brief_instance_name (read-only)

The brief instance name of the device in the current configuration. This is used for setting the media image to load on the command line or in INI files. This is not stable, it may have a number appended that may change depending on slot configuration.

image.formatlist[] (read-only)

The media image formats supported by the device, indexed by name. The index operator and index_of methods have O(n) complexity; all other supported operations have O(1) complexity.

image.exists (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether a media image file is mounted.

image.readonly (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether a media image file is mounted in read-only mode.

image.filename (read-only)

The full path to the mounted media image file, or nil if no media image is mounted.

image.crc (read-only)

The 32-bit cyclic redundancy check of the content of the mounted image file if the mounted media image was not loaded from a software list, is mounted read-only and is not a CD-ROM, or zero (0) otherwise.

image.loaded_through_softlist (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the mounted media image was loaded from a software list, or false if no media image is mounted.

image.software_list_name (read-only)

The short name of the software list if the mounted media image was loaded from a software list.

image.software_longname (read-only)

The full name of the software item if the mounted media image was loaded from a software list, or nil otherwise.

image.software_publisher (read-only)

The publisher of the software item if the mounted media image was loaded from a software list, or nil otherwise.

image.software_year (read-only)

The release year of the software item if the mounted media image was loaded from a software list, or nil otherwise.

image.software_parent (read-only)

The short name of the parent software item if the mounted media image was loaded from a software list, or nil otherwise.

image.device (read-only)

The underlying device.

Slot device interface

Wraps MAME’s device_slot_interface class which is a mix-in implemented by devices that instantiate a user-specified child device.



Gets an slot device by tag relative to the root machine device, or nil if no such device exists or it is not a slot device.


slot.fixed (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether this is a slot with a card specified in machine configuration that cannot be changed by the user.

slot.has_selectable_options (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the slot has any user-selectable options (as opposed to options that can only be selected programmatically, typically for fixed slots or to load media images).

slot.options[] (read-only)

The slot options describing the child devices that can be instantiated by the slot, indexed by option value. The at and index_of methods have O(n) complexity; all other supported operations have O(1) complexity.

slot.device (read-only)

The underlying device.

Device state entry

Wraps MAME’s device_state_entry class, which allows access to named registers exposed by a device. Supports conversion to string for display.



Gets a state entry for a given device by symbol.


entry.value (read/write)

The numeric value of the state entry, as either an integer or floating-point number. Attempting to set the value of a read-only state entry raises an error.

entry.symbol (read-only)

The state entry’s symbolic name.

entry.visible (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the state entry should be displayed in the debugger register view.

entry.writeable (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether it is possible to modify the state entry’s value.

entry.is_float (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the state entry’s value is a floating-point number.

entry.datamask (read-only)

A bit mask of the valid bits of the value for integer state entries.

entry.datasize (read-only)

The size of the underlying value in bytes for integer state entries.

entry.max_length (read-only)

The maximum display string length for the state entry.

Media image format

Wraps MAME’s image_device_format class, which describes a media file format supported by a media image device.



Gets a media image format supported by a given device by name.

Properties (read-only)

An abbreviated name used to identify the format. This often matches the primary filename extension used for the format.

format.description (read-only)

The full display name of the format.

format.extensions[] (read-only)

Yields a table of filename extensions used for the format.

format.option_spec (read-only)

A string describing options available when creating a media image using this format. The string is not intended to be human-readable.

Slot option

Wraps MAME’s device_slot_interface::slot_option class, which represents a child device that a slot device can be configured to instantiate.



Gets a slot option for a given slot device by name (i.e. the value used to select the option).

Properties (read-only)

The name of the slot option. This is the value used to select this option on the command line or in an INI file.

option.device_fullname (read-only)

The full display name of the device type instantiated by this option.

option.device_shortname (read-only)

The short name of the device type instantiated by this option.

option.selectable (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the option may be selected by the user (options that are not user-selectable are typically used for fixed slots or to load media images).

option.default_bios (read-only)

The default BIOS setting for the device instantiated using this option, or nil if the default BIOS specified in the device’s ROM definitions will be used.

option.clock (read-only)

The configured clock frequency for the device instantiated using this option. This is an unsigned 32-bit integer. If the eight most-significant bits are all set, it is a ratio of the parent device’s clock frequency, with the numerator in bits 12-23 and the denominator in bits 0-11. If the eight most-significant bits are not all set, it is a frequency in Hertz.