Lua Debugger Classes

Some of MAME’s core debugging features can be controlled from Lua script. The debugger must be enabled to use the debugger features (usually by passing -debug on the command line).

Symbol table

Wrap’s MAME’s symbol_table class, providing named symbols that can be used in expressions. Note that symbol tables can be created and used even when the debugger is not enabled.



Creates a new symbol table in the context of the specified machine,

emu.symbol_table(parent, [device])

Creates a new symbol table with the specified parent symbol table. If a device is specified and it implements device_memory_interface, it will be used as the base for looking up address spaces and memory regions. Note that if a device that does not implement device_memory_interface is supplied, it will not be used (address spaces and memory regions will be looked up relative to the root device).


Creates a new symbol table in the context of the specified device. If the device implements device_memory_interface, it will be used as the base for looking up address spaces and memory regions. Note that if a device that does not implement device_memory_interface is supplied, it will only be used to determine the machine context (address spaces and memory regions will be looked up relative to the root device).



Set a function to call when memory is modified via the symbol table. No arguments are passed to the function and any return values are ignored. Call with nil to remove the callback.

symbols:add(name, [value])

Adds a named integer symbol. The name must be a string. If a value is supplied, it must be an integer. If a value is supplied, a read-only symbol is added with the supplied value. If no value is supplied, a read/write symbol is created with and initial value of zero. If a symbol entry with the specified name already exists in the symbol table, it will be replaced.

Returns the new symbol entry.

symbols:add(name, getter, [setter], [format])

Adds a named integer symbol using getter and optional setter callbacks. The name must be a string. The getter must be a function returning an integer for the symbol value. If supplied, the setter must be a function that accepts a single integer argument for the new value of the symbol. A format string for displaying the symbol value may optionally be supplied. If a symbol entry with the specified name already exists in the symbol table, it will be replaced.

Returns the new symbol entry.

symbols:add(name, minparams, maxparams, execute)

Adds a named function symbol. The name must be a string. The minimum and maximum numbers of parameters must be integers. If a symbol entry with the specified name already exists in the symbol table, it will be replaced.

Returns the new symbol entry.


Returns the symbol entry with the specified name, or nil if there is no symbol with the specified name in the symbol table.


Returns the symbol entry with the specified name, or nil if there is no symbol with the specified name in the symbol table or any of its parent symbol tables.


Returns the integer value of the symbol with the specified name, or zero if there is no symbol with the specified name in the symbol table or any of its parent symbol tables. Raises an error if the symbol with specified name is a function symbol.

symbols:set_value(name, value)

Sets the value of the symbol with the specified name. Raises an error if the symbol with the specified name is a read-only integer symbol or if it is a function symbol. Has no effect if there is no symbol with the specified name in the symbol table or any of its parent symbol tables.

symbols:memory_value(name, space, offset, size, disable_se)

Read a value from memory. Supply the name or tag of the address space or memory region to read from, or nil to use the address space or memory region implied by the space argument. See memory accesses in debugger expressions for access type specifications that can be used for the space argument. The access size is specified in bytes, and must be 1, 2, 4 or 8. The disable_se argument specifies whether memory access side effects should be disabled.

symbols:set_memory_value(name, space, offset, value, size, disable_se)

Write a value to memory. Supply the name or tag of the address space or memory region to write to, or nil to use the address space or memory region implied by the space argument. See memory accesses in debugger expressions for access type specifications that can be used for the space argument. The access size is specified in bytes, and must be 1, 2, 4 or 8. The disable_se argument specifies whether memory access side effects should be disabled.

symbols:read_memory(space, address, size, apply_translation)

Read a value from an address space. The access size is specified in bytes, and must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. If the apply_translation argument is true, the address will be translated with debug read intention. Returns a value of the requested size with all bits set if address translation fails.

symbols:write_memory(space, address, data, size, apply_translation)

Write a value to an address space. The access size is specified in bytes, and must be 1, 2, 4, or 8. If the apply_translation argument is true, the address will be translated with debug write intention. The symbol table’s memory modified function will be called after the value is written. The value will not be written and the symbol table’s memory modified function will not be called if address translation fails.



The symbol entries in the symbol table, indexed by name. The at and index_of methods have O(n) complexity; all other supported operations have O(1) complexity.

symbols.parent (read-only)

The parent symbol table, or nil if the symbol table has no parent.

Parsed expression

Wraps MAME’s parsed_expression class, which represents a tokenised debugger expression. Note that parsed expressions can be created and used even when the debugger is not enabled.



Creates an empty expression that will use the supplied symbol table to look up symbols.

emu.parsed_expression(symbols, string, [default_base])

Creates an expression by parsing the supplied string, looking up symbols in the supplied symbol table. If the default base for interpreting integer literals is not supplied, 16 is used (hexadecimal). Raises an expression error if the string contains syntax errors or uses undefined symbols.



Set the default base for interpreting numeric literals. The base must be a positive integer.


Parse a debugger expression string. Replaces the current contents of the expression if it is not empty. Raises an expression error if the string contains syntax errors or uses undefined symbols. The previous content of the expression is not preserved when attempting to parse an invalid expression string.


Evaluates the expression, returning an unsigned integer result. Raises an expression error if the expression cannot be evaluated (e.g. attempting to call a function with an invalid number of arguments).


expression.is_empty (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the expression contains no tokens.

expression.original_string (read-only)

The original string that was parsed to create the expression.

expression.symbols (read/write)

The symbol table used for to look up symbols in the expression.

Symbol entry

Wraps MAME’s symbol_entry class, which represents an entry in a symbol table. Note that symbol entries must not be used after the symbol table they belong to is destroyed.


symbols:add(name, [value])

Adds an integer symbol to a symbol table, returning the new symbol entry.

symbols:add(name, getter, [setter], [format])

Adds an integer symbol to a symbol table, returning the new symbol entry.

symbols:add(name, minparams, maxparams, execute)

Adds function symbol to a symbol table, returning the new symbol entry.

Properties (read-only)

The name of the symbol entry.

entry.format (read-only)

The format string used to convert the symbol entry to text for display.

entry.is_function (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the symbol entry is a callable function.

entry.is_lval (read-only)

A Boolean indicating whether the symbol entry is an integer symbol that can be set (i.e. whether it can be used on the left-hand side of assignment expressions).

entry.value (read/write)

The integer value of the symbol entry. Attempting to set the value raises an error if the symbol entry is read-only. Attempting to get or set the value of a function symbol raises an error.

Debugger manager

Wraps MAME’s debugger_manager class, providing the main interface to control the debugger.



Returns the global debugger manager instance, or nil if the debugger is not enabled.



Execute a debugger console command. The argument is the command string. The output is sent to both the debugger console and the Lua console.


debugger.consolelog[] (read-only)

The lines in the console log (output from debugger commands). This container only supports index and length operations.

debugger.errorlog[] (read-only)

The lines in the error log (logerror output). This container only supports index and length operations.

debugger.visible_cpu (read/write)

The CPU device with debugger focus. Changes become visible in the debugger console after the next step. Setting to a device that is not a CPU has no effect.

debugger.execution_state (read/write)

Either "run" if the emulated system is running, or "stop" if it is stopped in the debugger.

Device debugger interface

Wraps MAME’s device_debug class, providing the debugger interface to an emulated CPU device.



Returns the debugger interface for an emulated CPU device, or nil if the device is not a CPU.



Step by the specified number of instructions. If the instruction count is not provided, it defaults to a single instruction.


Run the emulated CPU.

debug:bpset(addr, [cond], [act])

Set a breakpoint at the specified address, with an optional condition and action. If the action is not specified, it defaults to just breaking into the debugger. Returns the breakpoint number for the new breakpoint.

If specified, the condition must be a debugger expression that will be evaluated each time the breakpoint is hit. Execution will only be stopped if the expression evaluates to a non-zero value. If the condition is not specified, it defaults to always active.


Enable the specified breakpoint, or all breakpoints for the device if no breakpoint number is specified. Returns whether the specified number matched a breakpoint if a breakpoint number is specified, or nil if no breakpoint number is specified.


Disable the specified breakpoint, or all breakpoints for the device if no breakpoint number is specified. Returns whether the specified number matched a breakpoint if a breakpoint number is specified, or nil if no breakpoint number is specified.


Clear the specified breakpoint, or all breakpoints for the device if no breakpoint number is specified. Returns whether the specified number matched a breakpoint if a breakpoint number is specified, or nil if no breakpoint number is specified.


Returns a table of breakpoints for the device. The keys are the breakpoint numbers, and the values are breakpoint objects.

debug:wpset(space, type, addr, len, [cond], [act])

Set a watchpoint over the specified address range, with an optional condition and action. The type must be "r", "w" or "rw" for a read, write or read/write breakpoint. If the action is not specified, it defaults to just breaking into the debugger. Returns the watchpoint number for the new watchpoint.

If specified, the condition must be a debugger expression that will be evaluated each time the breakpoint is hit. Execution will only be stopped if the expression evaluates to a non-zero value. The variable 'wpaddr' is set to the address that actually triggered the watchpoint, the variable 'wpdata' is set to the data that is being read or written, and the variable 'wpsize' is set to the size of the data in bytes. If the condition is not specified, it defaults to always active.


Enable the specified watchpoint, or all watchpoints for the device if no watchpoint number is specified. Returns whether the specified number matched a watchpoint if a watchpoint number is specified, or nil if no watchpoint number is specified.


Disable the specified watchpoint, or all watchpoints for the device if no watchpoint number is specified. Returns whether the specified number matched a watchpoint if a watchpoint number is specified, or nil if no watchpoint number is specified.


Clear the specified watchpoint, or all watchpoints for the device if no watchpoint number is specified. Returns whether the specified number matched a watchpoint if a watchpoint number is specified, or nil if no watchpoint number is specified.


Returns a table of watchpoints for the specified address space of the device. The keys are the watchpoint numbers, and the values are watchpoint objects.


Wraps MAME’s debug_breakpoint class, representing a breakpoint for an emulated CPU device.



Gets the specified breakpoint for an emulated CPU device, or nil if no breakpoint corresponds to the specified index.


breakpoint.index (read-only)

The breakpoint’s index. The can be used to enable, disable or clear the breakpoint via the CPU debugger interface.

breakpoint.enabled (read/write)

A Boolean indicating whether the breakpoint is currently enabled.

breakpoint.address (read-only)

The breakpoint’s address.

breakpoint.condition (read-only)

A debugger expression evaluated each time the breakpoint is hit. The action will only be triggered if this expression evaluates to a non-zero value. An empty string if no condition was specified.

breakpoint.action (read-only)

An action the debugger will run when the breakpoint is hit and the condition evaluates to a non-zero value. An empty string if no action was specified.


Wraps MAME’s debug_watchpoint class, representing a watchpoint for an emulated CPU device.



Gets the specified watchpoint for an address space of an emulated CPU device, or nil if no watchpoint in the address space corresponds to the specified index.


watchpoint.index (read-only)

The watchpoint’s index. The can be used to enable, disable or clear the watchpoint via the CPU debugger interface.

watchpoint.enabled (read/write)

A Boolean indicating whether the watchpoint is currently enabled.

watchpoint.type (read-only)

Either "r", "w" or "rw" for a read, write or read/write watchpoint.

watchpoint.address (read-only)

The starting address of the watchpoint’s address range.

watchpoint.length (read-only)

The length of the watchpoint’s address range.

watchpoint.condition (read-only)

A debugger expression evaluated each time the watchpoint is hit. The action will only be triggered if this expression evaluates to a non-zero value. An empty string if no condition was specified.

watchpoint.action (read-only)

An action the debugger will run when the watchpoint is hit and the condition evaluates to a non-zero value. An empty string if no action was specified.

Expression error

Wraps MAME’s expression_error class, describing an error occurring while parsing or executing a debugger expression. Raised on errors when using parsed expressions. Can be converted to a string to provide a description of the error.


err.code (read-only)

An implementation-dependent number representing the category of error. Should not be displayed to the user.

err.offset (read-only)

The offset within the expression string where the error was encountered.